
Happy Father's Day!!!

I know I said it yesterday - but Happy Father's Day to all the wonderful dads out there!  The kids gave Travis his Christmas wrapped father's day gift this morning and I think he really liked it, especially when the boys yelled "Merry Christmas!" at him....Guess that's what he gets for making fun of the snowman t-shirt I wore Friday :)  It's a t-shirt and I feel that makes it acceptable attire for any time of year :)  Thanks go out to Chris for knowing where she keeps her seasonal wrapping paper, unlike myself :)

Anyway, today was a full day and tomorrow is Monday, yet again....viscous cycle.  I took many pics today but my faves are of Lucy coloring this evening.  She kept asking me to take one more pic of her :)  I don't think there is any baby girl in the world cuter than Lucy....I'm a little biased though!  Okay, maybe a lot!


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