
Lucy is almost 2 going on 13....

It never ceases to amaze me how fast time really does go.  I feel like it was just yesterday that Jude was born (or I got married, graduated from OSU, etc).  But for some reason, Lucy is dead set on making it go even faster.  She is just so far beyond where even Quinn (as the second born) was at this age.  She doesn't seem to understand that she is still a baby.  And she's my only baby that I have wanted to keep that way, since she is my last.  I want her to stay little and dimpled and innocent forever.  Obviously that can't happen.  But I am almost positive she'll be riding a two wheeler with training wheels this summer rather than the really cool tricycle I bought her last summer.  And we've been over her level of comprehension with technology.  They will all surpass me.  It isn't that she is necessarily capable of everything she is trying to do, but she still wants to do it.  She wants to keep up with the 4 year old (who is trying to keep up with the 7 year old).  Jude will turn 18 and they'll all be "18".  I know this is an over exaggeration, but I want it all to slow down.  Slow down!

1 comment:

  1. Great pictures. I'm glad everyone got a chance to get out of the house today. She's adorable with the iPod earbuds.
