

I knew this would happen.  Tuesday was way too easy.  I'm tired now and cranky and back to needing sunshine.  I know it was around here somewhere, but I lost it.  How did I lose it?  (I think "it" has always been missing :)  Just getting that in there before someone else could!)

Anyway, just some random thoughts from the mind of Anne.  Something that for some reason has been on my mind pretty much all day and I need someone to clarify the meaning of for me, if you would.  I read the boys Shel's (we're on a first name basis) "The Missing Piece and the Big O" last night.  To me this story is a fantastic life lesson about the importance of being whole within yourself before "rolling" with someone else.  How a person cannot fit themselves into another's life and be happy.  And vice versa.  So, I was trying to decide if I am a Big O.  And I think I am.  But alternately, I don't know that I am.  I am whole, but I have pieces.  Completely independent of me.  They came from me but they are no longer "me".  And my happiness is somewhat directly reliant upon their happiness.  Because I live to make them happy, even if I am happy due to other events along the way, my overall purpose in life has become these pieces.  So, I still have parts of me that are mine and always will be (this blog, sewing, pizza, sleep, etc), but my main purpose in life is no longer (if it ever even was) to be able to roll alone.  Maybe it never was?  Maybe the whole point of the book is different than my initial interpretation?  Maybe the point of the book is to help other "pieces" learn to be whole?  Like my children?  Raise them in such a way that their corners are worn and they become well rounded?  I know it's a children's book.  And I know I am way over thinking...but help...before I implode.

The boys posed for me tonight.  Lucy was already in bed as she was a tad bit cranky and got put to bed on time (the boys are still up waiting on Travis to get home!).......

And as always on Thursday night - tomorrow is FRIDAY!!!  Woo hoo!


  1. Great pic! Jude looks tired and as always, Quinn looks like he's ready to Party!

  2. Quinn also looks like he has a little more complexion to him than he normally does. Great pic though! And...by the way. You're doing a GREAT job with the kids. They are, and will always be, well rounded. They love "Shel's" books.
