

Today was such a beautiful day!  Lucy woke up at 5am so I brought her into my bed and we slept until 7:30...I woke up to her leaning over me giving me a kiss :)  She is the best baby ever, when she's not being totally melodramatic :)  Once I was out of bed I went for a 6 mile run.  I really felt like this was a hard run!  I was so beat by the end, and my last mile was my slowest, which is so not my style!  After I got ready for the day I went to Old Navy to return something I had ordered online, for myself, of course.  Heaven forbid anything I order for myself actually fit right, even if it is the right size.  Anyone that loves Old Navy will know why today was just about the single most stupid day of the year to make this return.  Today was Old Navy's $1 flip flop sale.  I knew this when I set out.  And once I arrived at the store I should've just walked back out.  It was worse than the year I went there for Black Friday shopping.  No joke.  But I waited for an hour in line and returned my purchase.  The rest of my day, believe it or not, was consumed by baseball.  The boys both had games at the same time again today.  But Lucy actually behaved the entire game and I survived.  And the boys are both doing so well!  Jude is playing coach pitch, and while I didn't see his game, I hear he had quite a hit today.  Quinn did great, as always.  He's the teams big hitter, so no one really cares when he plays in the dirt while he's in the field :)  Except me :)  After that Travis and I went to a Clippers games.  I over ate.  I love stadium food and really can't help myself.  The new stadium is really nice.  But I miss the old one, the one I grew up with.  It just had more of that farm team feel to me.

Tomorrow Lucy and I have a playdate with Alex and Julie.  Alex is about 6 months younger than Lucy, but I think they'll get married someday :)

Anyway, here's Nolan.  I love this cat.  Though I don't know how, or why, he always bends his front paws back like this.  Maybe his feet don't go to sleep like mine???  Don't mind the smudges on our front windows.  I am pretty sure the kids purposely get them as dirty as possible when I'm not looking so the next time it's sunny I'll have something to do :)

1 comment:

  1. Very busy day and still had time to get in a good looking picture and blog about it too.
