

It's odd for me to even admit this, since I grew up refusing to try most pastas, but we had spaghetti and cheesy garlic bread for dinner tonight.  Yum.  This is now (as an adult) one of my favorite meals.  I still have to have smooth sauce, unless it's meat sauce (double yum).  And I prefer angel hair pasta to other forms of spaghetti.  And I do not like al dente.  And the only other pasta I will eat is chunk free (aside from the meat) meat ravioli.  But I like spaghetti :)

Because of my extreme picky eating habits, I sort of refuse to let my kids not try things.  It isn't really an option. Once they hit a certain age that is.  Lucy isn't really old enough just yet to eat or else.  So there are a million and three things that she won't even try.  Kid staples at that.  She will not eat mac and cheese.  She will not eat hot dogs.  She is hit or miss with chicken nuggets.  She just recently tried real banana and loved it.  When she asked for one I actually showed her a banana before peeling it thinking she couldn't possibly know what she was asking for.  She won't eat rice, most veggies, real meat, etc, etc, etc.  She won't even eat mashed potatoes - one of my all time favorite foods.  She almost tried spaghetti tonight.  She said she would after eating a few raw noodles (which I also used to do as a kid).  But then she didn't.  I even stripped her down and pulled her hair back out of her face.  And she just didn't try it.  Maybe someday.  Sooner than when I tried it.  There are still a million things I won't even try.  But I'm old and set in my ways.  I am healthy and don't see a point in changing.  Two of my three kids like fruits and veggies, eat well balanced healthy meals.  Regardless of what I will or will not eat at least I'm mean enough to force them to be normal :)

Anyway, it's May already and time is flying by.  One week from today Quinn has his kindergarten evaluation and his preschool art show all in the same day.  One month (and four days) from today my last baby turns two years old.  Travis and I both turn 33 years old shortly after.  I am starting to say things like "When I was young..." in reference to gas prices and the attitudes, behaviors, and styles of "kids today".  I am tired at the end of the week and would rather go to bed earlier.  My brain has betrayed me and forgets things (which kid are you?! :))....I guess it isn't that bad.  But I really am tired and time really just goes too fast to keep up anymore.....someday!!!!  As for my "projects"...I quit already....read above...no time, too much to do :)

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