
Happy Birthday Quinn Seymour!!

I will always and forever look at my baby boy and see this -

Or perhaps this - 

Hopefully never again this (because he just really fits his awesome red hair :))

Although that was only taken a year ago - but he looks the same to me in all of these pictures as he does today - when this was taken - 

He is sunshine and sensitivity, creativity and friendship....intelligence and the best time you'll ever have, all rolled in to someone who technically does not even turn five for 35 more minutes.  He really is such an awesome kid!!  It's sad to me that I will never actually be able to clearly remember him like this - 

without looking back on pictures...


I love you!!!!!
Love - Mommy :)



Apparently getting hours of sunshine with your kids two days in a row will make a person want to blog.

Not much to say other than today was fantastic.  Well, this evening with my family was.  Work was work.  I had so much fun in a freezing cold baby pool with my babies.  When you fill the pool from the hose at 3:30 and get in said pool at 3:35, guess what?  The water hasn't warmed up yet :)  Too bad we don't have a fancy outdoor spigot that runs hot and cold.  It was fun nonetheless.  And we ate dinner on the deck too....and played on the swing set.  FUN!

Check out my monkeys though on the bar/rings.  Ignore the fact that none of them look like they eat :)  I do feed them.  Check out the back muscle on Lucy though!  I need to get her back in gymnastics


Time flies....

So....I took a picture tonight.  I actually usually take a picture about everyday.  But it's with my cell phone and while the subject is totally worthy of sharing, it's most likely already been shared on Facebook.  And since most (if not all) of my "The Letter U" readers are real life friends/family that are also on Facebook, it seems a bit redundant.

It was absolutely beautiful outside today when the kids and I got home (after work, etc).  So we played out back until dinner.  I love seeing them have so much fun together.  I love the fact that despite every guilty feeling I ever have about things I can't give them or do for them, I have given them each other.  And I give of myself.  I really try to always be present in the moment, in their lives, etc.  I hope that when all is said and done I have accomplished this.  On that note, I think my blog has naturally morphed from a "365 photo blog" to a "post when I have a subject/time blog".  Life is ever changing.  It's the nature of things.

I am thankful tonight for my wonderful kids and husband....and I am thankful that today is over!  I am ready for bed :)

I don't know how many of you caught this, but I mowed yesterday.  This fact is important because my picture tonight is brought to you by my refusal to use a trimmer.  I have mowed our yard the past two times.  Therefore, our yard has not been trimmed for at least 1.5 weeks....I am afraid of the trimmer.  Whatever that line is, it scares me.

I usually despise our back fence.  Shadow fencing creates too many spaces for weeds, grass, etc to grow in, under, and around.  But right now I am loving it.  Enjoy!



Tomorrow is Friday.  Thank GOD.  Short weeks are always the longest.  I swear.  It obviously isn't even the amount of days (duh), it's squeezing five days worth of work into four days.....I am so tired....Thankfully we don't really have anything planned into this weekend, yet.  My mind is already mulling over refinishing our deck; rhino painting, redoing lattice work and rails, the whole nine yards....heck, maybe we can even figure out some sort of pergola type thing to provide some shade.  Who knows what I can talk Travis into ;)

Anyway, after some awesome made-to-order Thai food for dinner tonight, we all went out front to enjoy bomb pops :)  It was almost like a holiday :)

Happy almost weekend everyone!!!


Reality Bites.... :)

Tomorrow is back to reality, back to the grind....boo.  But I think I made the most of my time this long weekend and over the past week that I was working from home.  With my kids, with life, with whatever ;)

Check out my pics below and hope everyone had a wonderful fourth!!

Quinn's new puppy - Bailey :)

My three girls ;)  Lol...love it :)

Photo shoot of boys and Lucy at the park today...


The duck has landed!!!

So my neighbors had a duck build a nest in their front flower bed under some big, green, leafy plant.  Then that duck laid 11 eggs.....Then that duck was hit and killed by a car =(  So my neighbors took the nest in and sat it under a heat lamp for two weeks waiting, even though the wildlife center told them it wouldn't work.  Today one of the eggs hatched and out came the cutest little fluffly duckling I've ever seen (really the only little newborn duckling I've ever seen, so not much to go on here =))....His name is Alfie.  He may be a she.  Who really knows?  Not us.  Hoping some more eggs hatch.  I love little baby birds with webbed feet.  Not so much other little baby birds though =)

***  This blog is to serve as the blog for 7/1/2011 :)  Sorry I didn't get home in time.  We were at a movie at the park with the kids.