

Apparently getting hours of sunshine with your kids two days in a row will make a person want to blog.

Not much to say other than today was fantastic.  Well, this evening with my family was.  Work was work.  I had so much fun in a freezing cold baby pool with my babies.  When you fill the pool from the hose at 3:30 and get in said pool at 3:35, guess what?  The water hasn't warmed up yet :)  Too bad we don't have a fancy outdoor spigot that runs hot and cold.  It was fun nonetheless.  And we ate dinner on the deck too....and played on the swing set.  FUN!

Check out my monkeys though on the bar/rings.  Ignore the fact that none of them look like they eat :)  I do feed them.  Check out the back muscle on Lucy though!  I need to get her back in gymnastics

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