
The duck has landed!!!

So my neighbors had a duck build a nest in their front flower bed under some big, green, leafy plant.  Then that duck laid 11 eggs.....Then that duck was hit and killed by a car =(  So my neighbors took the nest in and sat it under a heat lamp for two weeks waiting, even though the wildlife center told them it wouldn't work.  Today one of the eggs hatched and out came the cutest little fluffly duckling I've ever seen (really the only little newborn duckling I've ever seen, so not much to go on here =))....His name is Alfie.  He may be a she.  Who really knows?  Not us.  Hoping some more eggs hatch.  I love little baby birds with webbed feet.  Not so much other little baby birds though =)

***  This blog is to serve as the blog for 7/1/2011 :)  Sorry I didn't get home in time.  We were at a movie at the park with the kids.  

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