
Hotter than the surface of the sun....

Jude had his final baseball game of the season tonight (it was a makeup game) at Diley Middle School....The fields are at the top of what seems to be an innocently inclined hill....I swear the small hill put us inches from the sun, or perhaps on it.  It was so hot that Lucy and I ended up in the car with the air on watching a movie....The only bonus to playing at Diley is that they have a playground.  The only drawback of this playground is that it is designed for middle schoolers.  Not much for Lucy to do.  Quinn had fun though.  And Jude did flipping awesome during the parts of the game I was watching.  Not so awesome when Travis was watching ;)  All in all though I am a mix of being a shade darker and a tad more burnt.  Not sure which really, I guess only time will tell.  He got his trophy tonight though and then we hit up DQ on the way home.  So it was worth feeling like I was literally melting for about an hour.

A marching band was rehearsing too while we were watching the game.  Once Lucy and I had retreated to the car I started to people watch the band members.  I have decided my children will never be in marching band.  While I have no "this one time, at band camp" stories, it was quite obvious to me that many members of marching band do.  That, coupled with "Secret Life of the American Teenager" has prompted me to come to this decision.  This decision and the other decision of becoming Amish :)  I would like to keep my children locked up for about the next 20 years or so.....50, 60, who knows :)  Anyway, for real, band camp is not an option.

Check out my monkey...don't mind the glimpse of his boxers...four year olds don't care if their pants are tied :)

And the ever popular Lucy featured once again in a dress of mine from when I was her age....

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