
Jude's last day of first grade....

Today was Jude's last day of first grade.  He was so cute and wanted to take something to a few of his teachers :)  So we baked cookies and he made them little cards.  I was really impressed with how thoughtful he was with what he wrote them too.  Each one got a different message from him.

Anyway, I took a pic of him getting off the bus on his last day since we do before school on the first day :)  So below is Jude's first and last day of first grade :)  My "baby" is growing up....Quinn told me yesterday in nine more years Jude will be driving.  This seems like an eternity, but the first seven have flown by!  Too bad I'm not sure that I'll be ready to let Jude have that freedom!!

Just for giggles I've thrown in his first day of Kindergarten as well :)

Kindergarten (first day)

First grade (first day)

First grade (last day)

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