
Happy Birthday Lucy!!!!

Today my last baby turned two years old.  I think she is officially considered a toddler now, right?  So I am fresh out of babies....sad!!!  But I love my kids and love getting to see them grow, learn, and turn into people right before my eyes.  Lucy is already so much older than I think she should be, intellectually and physically.  She makes her own decisions when appropriate, and sometimes even when it's not :)  She tries her best to keep up with the boys, which she actually manages to do quite well...She is also mostly polite, a little demanding, but usually grateful.  She is always entertaining, being that she ignores any conventional rules we lay out for her (don't color on yourself, don't color on the furniture, etc, etc, etc.  She even likes to go down the stairs by herself which about gives me a coronary!)...

Anyway...onto memory lane :)

This is my all time favorite pic of Lucy, all squishy and fresh to the world, curled up and trusting...almost bald :)

Lucy at age 1...still almost bald....if only I could get her to sit still for the camera these days :)

Lucy on our photo shoot today at Sycamore Creek Park :)  She picked out her own princess dress to wear today (that's what she calls it)...too bad I am way to lazy to iron - these would've been so much better!!!  And it was fun but she is so uncooperative these days!!  I need to take all the kids out and update our wall though :) 

And then just a few pics from her cake time tonight :)  

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