
Days like today.....

I hate days like today.  It was a long week, I had been looking forward to Saturday since Monday around 5am.  I am tired.  Which makes me cranky.  Which makes me waste energy on being cranky.  Which makes me more tired.  Vicious cycle.  I feel like if the sun would just shine with some actual warmth I may not be so tired.  Soon enough, I know.  And I really do try to enjoy the here and now instead of wasting away moments on wishing for tomorrow.  I did enjoy my family today, as I do every day, even when I have exhausted any patience I may have in my body on something of lesser importance (outsiders, the dog, traffic, etc)....The kids are all in bed now.  I didn't take a picture today, until a moment ago, when said dog posed for me.  SO, meet the last member of the Shreffler Clan.  Tyler.  He was found by Travis.  He was a teeny, tiny puppy and there was snow on the ground.  He had been abandoned.  He is great with the kids and the cats.  He is Tyler.  My least favorite family member.  I have to use some of my patience with him daily when I would rather not.  It isn't even for anything he does wrong.  Just feed the dog, water the dog, give the dog attention, let the dog out, let the dog in, put the dog to bed, etc.  He is a great dog though, so there's that. :)  And he is kind of cute :)


  1. Tyler is adorable! I always try to get pics of Baxter, but unless I have my camera in hand, he won't sit still worth a darn. There is no such thing as "pose" with him.
