
Saturday in January.....COLD.

Completely unrelated to my blog picture for today, but felt like sharing none the less.  Lucy has been a BEAR for at least the past two months when it comes to bed at night.  She used to just go in, I'd lay her in her crib, tuck her in, we'd do "I love you's" back and forth on my way out of her room.  I am not sure what the malfunction was with this process, but out of no where she started throwing tantrums and screaming for me on my way out instead.  So I would go back and pick her up and give her more loving.  Only it didn't help.  So I just started giving her a hug, a kiss, an "I love you" and then walked out to her cries.  I HATE this.  So I, being oh so intelligent with this parenting thing, suggest to Travis that we convert her crib to a toddler bed.  Quinn was in one at this age and did GREAT.  She IS almost 20 months after all.  Yea.  I am S_T_U_P_I_D.  I refuse to convert it back, but she still cries when I put her to bed!  Maybe after a few nights she'll just go in and lay down in her big girl bed and let me sing her a song or something.  Maybe not.  Maybe I'll break out the pack and play ( I REFUSE to convert the crib back).

So today we went swimming.  It was fun and a tad bit surreal since it is FREEZING outside.  The kids really enjoyed this.  We also got to meet some new people and spend time with extended family.  It was fun.

1 comment:

  1. Give it a few nights. I'm sure she will be fine once she gets used to it. On another note, that was a lot of fun today. I'm glad we got to meet the Smith's and hope we can keep in touch with Dick & Becky. The kids loved them (not to mention the pool inside the house.)
