I absolutely love getting mail. Real mail. Not bills, solicitation, wrong address, etc. REAL MAIL. Whether it is something I ordered or something unexpected, when it's in the box, I am like a kid in a candy store. Another thing I love that goes hand in hand is FREE stuff :). I am so excited to have been turned on to some saving sites by a friend of mine so I can sign up to receive FREE stuff in my mail BOX! It is Monday of the third week of 2011 and I don't even REMEMBER what I have signed up to receive. Except two of the things I "ordered" (shipping only - $3.00 total) have already arrived. They aren't even something I would've ever actually purchased if it weren't for the great deal. But it was still SO exciting when I got to peel back the little perforated strip allowing me to open up the wonderful carboard envelope with "do not bend - photos" printed on the outside. So, below, I am showcasing two of the wonderful pieces of loot I have acquired SO FAR in 2011 :) I will do this every once in a while just because I like to reflect on the stuff that comes in the mail :) Just WAIT until you see all the tampon samples set to come!
Lucy looks so much older looking back 6 months to the picture on the beach.