
Today was supposed to be a Duck Parade....

The kids got "fun-dough" in their stockings from Santa this year.  The lids all have different animals on them.  They can be used to make impressions in the dough.  The boys thought this was great fun.  Last night they made a duck parade with two of every color duck.  It was super cute and they wanted this to be my blog picture for today.  I told them they would have to remake the parade today because I had to take the pic the day I post it (I'm a stickler).  Today got busy, it didn't happen.

However, I did get another cool toy for my camera in the mail today.  It is a lens attachment that does both wide angle and macro (it's a two-fer :)).  I had a ton of fun playing around with this while the boys were napping this afternoon.  Lucky for me Lucy was boycotting nap time, so I had the perfect subject.  I am still trying to figure out the focus issues...I need to take private lessons I think.  Terri Bleeker - if you are reading this I am coming your way!

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