

Today sucked...not most of it, but the part of it that did suck sort of sucked bad enough to make the rest suck.  Work wasn't bad.  I think my wish from yesterday was granted.  I ran 5 miles again today, which will be my goal for tomorrow as well.  I think I can do it.  Lucy took potty training by the, well, you know, horns and showed it who's boss :)  The boys are the boys and they are both continually ongoing bright spots in my universe.  Even when they monopolize my laptop playing Webkinz after school instead of telling me about their days.  They are boys, and they are kids, it is bound to happen that they won't want to share (boo...).  But the bad part of my day came at about 7pm when we went to Quinn's kindergarten registration.  I feel like a complete failure as a parent.  I feel like I don't get to be as present as I want to be in their lives.  I feel like I cannot possibly advocate for them the way a mother should.  I feel like there is just not enough time in the day or resources available to do what I feel needs done.  I actually almost started crying at kindergarten registration.  I managed to hold it back until we got to the car.  I am still bitter about the fact that the school district wouldn't let Jude test into kindergarten at four because his birthday is after the testing cutoff yet they stand in front of a gymnasium full of soon to be kindy parents and tell them to think about holding their late summer birthday kids back, just because of their birthday.  I am worried for Quinn because he is a late summer birthday.  I don't want him to be pegged as a "young one" and be treated different.  I am worried that Quinn will be just as bored in school as Jude seems to be because he is already a fluent reader.  BOTH boys are bright and funny and witty and kind and I don't want to see them lose the spark.    I realize they are both REALLY young and I have years and years to worry and feel like a failure.  :)

Anyway, random rant over - rather therapeutic.  No need to reassure me that I am, in fact, NOT a failure as a parent.  The rational side of me (I do have one :)) knows that I am not.  I just feel like it right now.  It'll pass, I'm sure.

The mailman delivered my Lucy's new Snuggle Legs from a great giveaway a while back on Facebook.  I, of course, immediately took a pair out to put on Lucy with her cute big girl undies.  And then I didn't take a pic :) So it's just a pic of the actual leggings....  I personally LOVE their stuff.  You can follow them on Facebook (Snuggle Luv) or check out their site www.snuggleluv.com :)

Have a great night!!!


  1. Rather that comment on your verbage; which seems to be what I am usually doing; I am going to comment on the picture. That is what this is supposed to be about. Somehow I feel like we have all gotten so wrapped up in support of this (at least the boys and I that I know of) that I have overlooked commenting on the actual pictures themselves. I also know you don't want to hear anything else about the night. So I will say this...I like how you captured the color of the counters and magically blended it into the collage of baby legs.

  2. I think I need to start getting some of these for my little Briel :) Never did get Gus any!

    I will refrain from commenting on the rest as requested!
