
Potty Training take one.

Being a full time working mom I have to try to fit things in where I can.  I had planned to potty train Lucy when I was off for a week over Christmas but she was on antibiotics and that would've just been ugly.  So, I am going hardcore this weekend.  Quinn potty trained in two days and I have (almost) complete faith that Lucy can do the same.  I've been talking it up to her all week and broke out the cute undies tonight before putting her to bed.  Which she then insisted on putting on over top of her pjs.  Blog pic.  I have the mini m&m's all ready though and I have mentally prepared myself for three things.  1. I will not get to sleep in this weekend because I have to wake up before Lucy in hopes of starting her day on the potty.  2. We will have a slight role reversal for the next two days that may be a minor setback to Lucy's current independent attitude - I will be stuck on her like glue.  3. This may not even work.  But again, I have (almost) complete faith that it will.  Keep your fingers crossed for us!

I have also attached a pic of an awesome torn paper collage that Jude made with a visiting artist at school.  It has taken the place of his really cool marble painting from preschool.  I love our art gallery.  I love seeing their accomplishments and seeing how proud they are of said accomplishments :)

Have a great weekend everyone!!

PS - we took the undies off before she went to bed :)

1 comment:

  1. Good Luck you two! Art gallery looks great too by the way.
