
I am so off :)

It is a good thing I'm not working tomorrow.  I am so tired.  AND I haven't even started packing :)  Oops :)  Bones was on tonight though.  I am pretty sure it was a re-run but I hadn't seen it and it's nice to have a "show" again.  You know - that one hour during the week that you just have to stop doing whatever it is you think you should be doing and sit and watch.  Because of watching Bones, my pics are sort of just filler taken about 10 minutes ago of my baby boys fast asleep.  I love to watch my children sleep.  When they're sleeping I don't feel like everything is just always going too fast.  They grow and learn too fast.  I know it's inevitable.  But I just want to stop time for a while and live in a bubble.  I don't think that's asking too much - right?  So anyway....enjoy the filler :)

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