
The moon is too bright.

Travis had to work tonight, unexpectedly.  So after getting Lucy to bed, the boys and I settled in to have some cuddle time and watch a movie.  It wasn't until after I put them to bed at about 9:30 that I thought I should probably take a picture for today.  So, I grabbed my remote, my camera, and my tripod and went outside.  I learned a couple of things.  My camera is nice, but not for night shots (or my lens, more specifically).  It just doesn't have the capability of capturing the details at the proper exposure.  Or I don't have the comprehension to manipulate my camera to make my lens work the way I want it to.  And I learned that even in a seemingly completely dark sky at 10pm there is too much light in the suburbia in which I live.  So, next time I will drive to South Dakota or Idaho or something if I want a picture of the night sky.  Because of this I have no picture for tonight.  I am fine with posting slightly blurred pics of my kids while learning because they are still the most adorable slightly blurred kids ever.  But I am not okay with posting a ball of fiery white with no "man in the moon" details in a black sky with what should have been a really cool white-ish, whispy cloud underneath (that instead looked like gray smoke coming from the ball of fiery white).

Since I have no picture for you to ohh and ahh over tonight I will share a link to one of my new favorite print stores (if that is, in fact, how it should be referenced).  Check it out if you want to know what I am talking about.  I haven't actually purchased anything from them as of yet, but I will be.  I love their "be present" print.  This is how I try to live my life!


Have a great weekend everyone!

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