AND I had on a t-shirt WITHOUT A COAT OR SWEATER! I know. We will probably have one more "snow" and definitely have at least one more frost. But this weekend is supposed to be REALLY nice and today was just the beginning :) We all played outside pretty much from 4pm on, barring the 30 minutes we spent eating dinner. The boys played at Amanda's after school for a while - I think she had the whole neighborhood at her house. She is a much braver woman than I :) Thanks for having them over Amanda!
I have two pics tonight - both taken outside. Both of Lucy while the boys were at their playdate. The first one I like because Lucy is just too darn cute. And the second one I like because of the photo itself. I don't know if it's "technically" a better pic...But I like it :)
Time for Bones!!! So have a great Friday everyone!!!
I like the second one the best. It's the best overall looking picture.