
Self-inflicted failure.

There are many parts of life in general that I find come naturally to me.  Sadly, most of them are things that I have to do.  Like work.  Regardless of the job (occupationally speaking) at hand, I can pick it up, master it, and find it to be a completely mundane task in no time.  Then there are the things that I want to do, want to excel at or master, and I will most likely never rise above mediocre.  Why is this?  Take sewing for example.  Granted I am completely self taught.  But most of my projects don't come out exactly as I had envisioned.  I say envisioned because I don't know how to use a pattern.  Maybe if I took a class, things would go more to plan.  But that would require time.  Much like my photography.  If I could take an extended class that taught me how to actually compose photos and properly use features like shutter speed and white balance to get the best exposure things would likely be much easier.  I have had some instruction in this field but comprehension is still so far away.  Along with photography and sewing we can add crocheting, scrap booking, house keeping (laundry, cooking, cleaning), running even.  I long to be a stereotypical housewife from some time in the 1950's.  I am absolutely positive I look upon this era with rose colored glasses.  I am sure there were many, many, many unhappy and dissatisfied housewives in the 1950's.  But when I think about all of the time I would have to practice and master the skills I WANT to be good at, the activities a housewife ought to be good at (or at the very least more proficient in, ask Travis how often I cook, or how well I keep laundry up), it makes me long for days gone by.  Days I never lived, in a world that is no more.  Self-inflicted failure, taking on tasks that I want to be doing without the time to learn to do them.  I guess in the final analysis it's okay though - because one area I do consider myself a natural (I think partly because I know it can't be mastered) is parenting.  I am the best mom for my kids so I guess the rest is fine :)

Now, with any luck, we'll get a crap ton of ice in over the next 8 hours so I can work from home tomorrow!  Keep your fingers crossed!

**Blast me if you want for being sexist or whatever when it comes to things I "ought to" do.  Lucky for me, it's my opinion and my blog!


Your pet can read....

Either Nolan can read, and Mickey's mad that I interrupted story time, or I JUST missed the always elusive Lucy in her natural habitat.  She loves to sit in the animal bed area of of living room with a good book and a cat. Usually by the time I grab the camera though she has moved on.

Happy Sunday everyone...enjoy it while it lasts.  Weekends always seem to go too fast!



Today has been one of those ideal days.....I got to sleep in this morning.  When I finally pried my eyelids open and forced myself to look at my clock - it was 10:30.  While my first instinct was to keep sleeping, I got up.  I seriously probably could have slept all day.  But when I came downstairs Jude had me grab my camera so I could see the wonderful surprise they had made in the basement.  I was nervous, to say the least.  But what they made was pretty cool.  I don't know why on earth we have every last geotrack set known to man (not really, I enacted a permanent buying freeze on these - we have enough), but at least they play with them, right?  Even Lucy loves trains.  The abilities of these kids though to lay out such intricate little cities with train tracks (I don't have the patience) amazes me.  Check it out.

I also went to a Tastefully Simple party this afternoon.  I accidentally tried the Creamy Crab Cheese Ball Mix and OH MY GOSH is it good.  I bought some.  I hate trying new things though and had I known what I was about to put in my mouth on that oh so good beer bread I probably wouldn't have.  Guess it's good I wasn't paying attention.

I'm tired already.  Nine hours of waking time in one day is enough, right?  I'm not sure I'll get to sleep in tomorrow, so I should probably call it a night....probably not :)  I think Travis and I are watching a movie tonight after the kids are in bed.  Adam - maybe?  I'll let you all know how it was tomorrow.  Previews for it looked good though.


Friday, finally, I have been waiting ALL week for you!

Meet Jude's new best friend.  It's a Webkinz Lil' Kinz that he got for his birthday from two of his favorite people - Reagan and Claire :)  

Just some information to share with the world:

Jude is going out to dinner tonight for his birthday with Nena and Poppy Shreffler for CHINESE - gross.  WHAT a STRANGE child with some of the things he eats...I guess as long as he'll eat pizza and junk food too we can happily coexist :)

Lucy apparently saved all of her tantrums up throughout the day to use once arriving home.  Wits end I tell you.  February 14th cannot come fast enough.  I know getting tubes may not fix her current behavior issues.  But it will at least take a medical issue (with the pain, discomfort, dizziness, etc) out of the equation, freeing me up to better know how to handle her behavior(strategically speaking when it comes to discipline).  Although everyone I know who has tubes or who's child has tubes has told me it is like night and day.  So I am hoping for a 180....we'll see!

Quinn is cute as ever bouncing here and there - little ball of energy.  He picked out a birthday gift for Jude this morning.  He made sure it was something they could both play with at the same time :)  He also appears to be deaf as I had to tell him 167 times since we've been home no running in the house.  He's on a time out in his room.

Long week :)  But it's FRIDAY!



We represent the lollipop guild.

More often than not in life Quinn reminds me of the munchkins from The Wizard of Oz.  I love it.  I have actually taught him this song and how to properly swing his arms while squinting his eyes just right and singing out of the side of his mouth.  He almost has it down.

Lucy and Quinn took a bath together tonight.  This was SO much fun.  While Lucy has definitely had her moments today (like usual), she was so cute and endearing tonight it's just hard not to overlook her current (and temporary) imperfections :)  After taking this picture and then putting it on my computer to look at closer, I realized that Lucy is also a munchkin from the Wizard of Oz.  Perhaps I can get a brother/sister duo together and make some big money on this :)


My Boys...

I think the fam is sort of getting tired of me snapping pics.  They have stopped taking direction from me.  I guess I will have to just leave my camera put together and on the kitchen table with the memory card IN so I can covertly sneak my pics in without them stopping whatever activity it is that I want to capture!  Tonight is a pic of all my boys pretending to sleep :)  So cute.

On another note, I actually teared up tonight when Jude made a plate of nachos for the two of us to share for snack....all by himself.  I know this is not something that SHOULD make me cry.  But he is my BABY and he'll be SEVEN YEARS OLD in one week :(  They seriously grow up too fast!

Just a note on the look of the pic.  I edited it to look like a pic from the 1960's :)  FUN!


I was in bed....

Literally.  I was in bed when I realized I hadn't taken my 365 pic for the day yet.  I contemplated, for .035 seconds, not doing one today.  But I am really too OCD (or something, I don't know what, stupid?) so I got out of bed.  I am tired, my body is sore, my head hurts, pretty sure I am getting sick.  SO, you all better REALLY appreciate this completely random picture of....

What?  What is it?  You tell me.  I know, but I want you to know.  So go, Google, learn, and love as I do!


Self portrait, of Jude....

I was going to joke about the commonly used photography pun of "shooting" people in reference to Jude taking a self portrait.  But it made me uncomfortable.  So instead, I will just post the picture :)  My father-in-law sent home a really cool, really light-weight tripod with Travis today (for me, thanks Terry!) as I don't yet have one.  I wanted to make my blog today about my soon to be 7 year old son, who hasn't been featured a lot on here.  So when I drafted him for the shoot, I let him take the picture himself, once I had everything set and ready to go.  I think he enjoyed it :)  Maybe he'll end up being the real photographer in the family!  Who knows....but I do believe he'll be a great success at anything he sets out to do!


I am so over winter static....

The snow is really pretty and all, but having to live with the heat on is really wreaking havoc on Lucy's hair.  Can you say static?  And I have shocked myself, the kids, myself, more times than I care to in any one season...It's really getting old.  Poor Lucy is too cute to even notice or care when she gets a flyaway...it may be because she's doing one of her favorite activities, riding in a laundry basket.  She didn't even want to get out!


Saturday in January.....COLD.

Completely unrelated to my blog picture for today, but felt like sharing none the less.  Lucy has been a BEAR for at least the past two months when it comes to bed at night.  She used to just go in, I'd lay her in her crib, tuck her in, we'd do "I love you's" back and forth on my way out of her room.  I am not sure what the malfunction was with this process, but out of no where she started throwing tantrums and screaming for me on my way out instead.  So I would go back and pick her up and give her more loving.  Only it didn't help.  So I just started giving her a hug, a kiss, an "I love you" and then walked out to her cries.  I HATE this.  So I, being oh so intelligent with this parenting thing, suggest to Travis that we convert her crib to a toddler bed.  Quinn was in one at this age and did GREAT.  She IS almost 20 months after all.  Yea.  I am S_T_U_P_I_D.  I refuse to convert it back, but she still cries when I put her to bed!  Maybe after a few nights she'll just go in and lay down in her big girl bed and let me sing her a song or something.  Maybe not.  Maybe I'll break out the pack and play ( I REFUSE to convert the crib back).

So today we went swimming.  It was fun and a tad bit surreal since it is FREEZING outside.  The kids really enjoyed this.  We also got to meet some new people and spend time with extended family.  It was fun.


Today was supposed to be a Duck Parade....

The kids got "fun-dough" in their stockings from Santa this year.  The lids all have different animals on them.  They can be used to make impressions in the dough.  The boys thought this was great fun.  Last night they made a duck parade with two of every color duck.  It was super cute and they wanted this to be my blog picture for today.  I told them they would have to remake the parade today because I had to take the pic the day I post it (I'm a stickler).  Today got busy, it didn't happen.

However, I did get another cool toy for my camera in the mail today.  It is a lens attachment that does both wide angle and macro (it's a two-fer :)).  I had a ton of fun playing around with this while the boys were napping this afternoon.  Lucky for me Lucy was boycotting nap time, so I had the perfect subject.  I am still trying to figure out the focus issues...I need to take private lessons I think.  Terri Bleeker - if you are reading this I am coming your way!


There's an app for that....

Ok, not really.  But almost as good would be a REMOTE for my CAMERA!  How about that?!  And who would've known?!  Well, someone, like Travis.  He bought me a remote for my camera.  It arrived today and he didn't even make me wait for a "special" day to give it to me.  Now, I can be in pictures with my kids.  Ignore the fact that Jude isn't entirely in the picture or that I look craptastic.  I don't yet have a tripod or a personal stylist, make-up artist, or hair dresser and it's been a long week!



Look at my kids, all well behaved sitting next to each other enjoying a snack and a show before bed....but wait?  Who is that redhead?  Where on earth did she come from?  Did someone sneak a fourth into my house?  Oh....that's Chloe!  She's a niece/cousin....isn't she stinking adorable?!  We have gotten to play and eat and play with her tonight...it's a good thing she's a kid and will eat PB&J because Travis is working later and I don't make anything that a normal adult would enjoy :) 


As I was saying.....

Technology and kids today....it's a dangerous thing.  Check out this pic of Lucy watching Diary of a Wimpy Kid on Travis' iPod after dinner....This amazing little thing was a lifesaver on the long plane ride out to Seattle over Thanksgiving.  Lucy seriously watched the entire movie and then fell asleep for the remainder of the flight (on the way there, the way home she was over flying and wanted the entire plane to know!).  I try not to let my kids watch "too much" tv, etc, etc, etc.  But I will admit that newfangled technology, television, and movies have literally saved my sanity on more than one occassion.  And, it is safe to say, they have taught my kids a thing or two.  So they can't be all bad, right?  On a completely unrelated topic, do you see my daughters gorgeous cornsilk hair with nice subtle reddish undertones?  I'm jealous.  I am.



I absolutely love getting mail.  Real mail.  Not bills, solicitation, wrong address, etc.  REAL MAIL.  Whether it is something I ordered or something unexpected, when it's in the box, I am like a kid in a candy store.  Another thing I love that goes hand in hand is FREE stuff :).  I am so excited to have been turned on to some saving sites by a friend of mine so I can sign up to receive FREE stuff in my mail BOX!  It is Monday of the third week of 2011 and I don't even REMEMBER what I have signed up to receive.  Except two of the things I "ordered" (shipping only - $3.00 total) have already arrived.  They aren't even something I would've ever actually purchased if it weren't for the great deal.  But it was still SO exciting when I got to peel back the little perforated strip allowing me to open up the wonderful carboard envelope with "do not bend - photos" printed on the outside.  So, below, I am showcasing two of the wonderful pieces of loot I have acquired SO FAR in 2011 :)  I will do this every once in a while just because I like to reflect on the stuff that comes in the mail :)  Just WAIT until you see all the tampon samples set to come!



I have been running.  I am actually feeling pretty good about my running abilities at the moment.  Travis got me a Nike sportband for Christmas and I am really enjoying the fact that it is a total enabler for something GOOD for an OCD person like myself.  That being said, lifestyles of any kind will rub off on the impressionable children we are raising.  Jude wants to run with me.  I am happy about this because while I do not consider myself a "runner", I enjoy "running".  Lucy and I took a trip to Kohls today with a fancy 30% off coupon in hand (thanks Amanda!) and came home with not one, but three new pair of shoes.  Jude needs "real" running shoes if he is going to be running with me.  Quinn needs to keep up with Jude (or blur as he runs right by).  And Lucy is a total shoe horse who just LOVES picking out new shoes.  Who am I to say no?



Days like today.....

I hate days like today.  It was a long week, I had been looking forward to Saturday since Monday around 5am.  I am tired.  Which makes me cranky.  Which makes me waste energy on being cranky.  Which makes me more tired.  Vicious cycle.  I feel like if the sun would just shine with some actual warmth I may not be so tired.  Soon enough, I know.  And I really do try to enjoy the here and now instead of wasting away moments on wishing for tomorrow.  I did enjoy my family today, as I do every day, even when I have exhausted any patience I may have in my body on something of lesser importance (outsiders, the dog, traffic, etc)....The kids are all in bed now.  I didn't take a picture today, until a moment ago, when said dog posed for me.  SO, meet the last member of the Shreffler Clan.  Tyler.  He was found by Travis.  He was a teeny, tiny puppy and there was snow on the ground.  He had been abandoned.  He is great with the kids and the cats.  He is Tyler.  My least favorite family member.  I have to use some of my patience with him daily when I would rather not.  It isn't even for anything he does wrong.  Just feed the dog, water the dog, give the dog attention, let the dog out, let the dog in, put the dog to bed, etc.  He is a great dog though, so there's that. :)  And he is kind of cute :)


Technology and kids today....

My boys are SO into their technology.  They can basically get around any new piece of "equipment" with little to no help from us.  Heck, even Lucy knows how to dabble on the iPod Touch....  I feel like I am already a decade or so behind on the intelligence it takes to properly raise them.  I guess as long as all three of my kids understand that they will probably teach me more in my lifetime than I could possibly teach them, we'll all be ok.  On that note, can someone PLEASE help Quinn?  He's STUCK in his DS! 

*Please ignore the yuck on the screen of the DS, I didn't want to miss the moment to clean the screen :)  I guess I'll need to teach them how to use the screen wipes though!


Today is a better day....

Today has been a better day than yesterday.  I guess that's all one can really hope for in life.  I'm happy with it. :) 


Oh my poor, poor baby......

Lucy has ANOTHER ear infection.  The ped gave her ANOTHER antibiotic.  We have ANOTHER week of misery before she will (with any luck) be back to her normal self!  The sweet, laid back, loving little girl has disappeared for now though....I feel really bad for her, I do.  And I do what I can to make her feel better.  The thing is though, NOTHING makes her feel better.  I really wish she felt better!!  Since I am living with it, I took a picture of it.  I hope that by seeing her you will sympathize with her and send some good health vibes our way.  She could REALLY use it right about now.


A Force to be Reckoned With.....

Meet Quinn.  Some of you may already know him as The Mighty Quinn.  And that he is.  He is my younger son, the second born.  And I do believe he got the "second born child handbook" in utero.  He is feisty and sweet, the peace keeper and the trouble maker.  He is a goof and super smart.  He is a Leo (not that I totally follow or believe astrology).  But he is definitely a lion.  He is compassionate and compromising and sensitive and loving and all boy all at the same time.  He is the most perfect younger son I could've ever hoped for and I love him.  If you know him, you love him too.  If you don't know him, someday you will.  He will take on the world!


It was his own fault....

So tonight I had great plans of a pic of pint glasses with Travis' different home brews in them (all in the same pic - angled all cool like, you know, great blur)....It was Travis' idea.  But, being Monday, especially such a horribly typical, craptastic Monday, that so did not happen.  I tried a few other neato things out after the kids went to bed.  However, in the final analysis, the only picture that would suffice for today was one of Travis.  And it only took 65 attempts to get the perfect pic :)  If you look closely you MAY see the dirty look....He really is the best though!


Meet Nolan....

This is my other "cat", Nolan.  Technically, he is a cat.  However, for those that know and love Nolan, his personality is more in line with the perfect dog.  He is tolerant with kids, will greet you at the door when you arrive back home, and jump up from a sound sleep to follow you to bed at night.  This is also the cat that snuck silently into Lucy's room, curled up next to her in her crib, and helped her fall asleep last week when she had been having a rough time (this helped me as well!).  This picture was taken at lunch today.  Nolan followed us to the dining room and jumped up here to nap while we ate(this is not the dining room table :)), so he would be with his family.  Jude said this would make a great picture for my blog.  So here he is.  Even people who dislike cats cannot deny the perfectness that is Nolan.


All I want for Christmas.....

A perfect photo op presented itself when Jude finally pulled the tooth (yes, the second front tooth, the one I had hoped would be missing in time for Christmas....).

That is all....today has been too tiring for me to put out any effort on witty or intelligent writing :)


Day 7

Today was interesting and fun.  I had the great pleasure of playing SAHM today, and then WAHM.....It was fun and I wish it was a normal part of my life :)  I LOVE nothing more than just being a mom!  But I am beyond thankful for what I have been given, so I will accept the rest! 

Anyway, because I was home with all three kids today, and then Quinn and Lucy, and then just Lucy, etc, I took a million more than just 1 picture :)  So I let Travis choose which one would go up.  I hope you enjoy!  This picture is in no way indicative of Lucy's actual mood or behavior today (unless you're thinking "ornery").  All three of my children were actually rather rockwellian (until about 3 seconds ago when I started posting to this blog!)....


Picture 2 - 1/6/2011

Since my kids are in bed already and my animals are much more tolerant of me taking picture after picture while I mess with settings trying to take a picture in a more manual fashion, here is picture #2 of my 365 project.  I am actually pretty impressed with myself on this.  This is my kitty, Mickey.  He is our newest family member given to me for mothers day 2009, hand picked by my then baby, Quinn :)  It isn't a perfect pic, but keep in mind that by 12/31/2011 they will still not be perfect :) 

Here we go :)

So....I am a snapshot photographer, my favorite subject being my family.  I have a really nice camera thanks to the hubby being as wonderful as he is.  Good thing I don't know how to use it.  Follow me on my journey as I learn and grow in my ability to take awesome pictures of the things I love.  To start us off (assuming I can figure this whole blog thing out) please enjoy picture 1 taken just after midnight on January 1, 2011.  I will have a few of the 365 missing between then and now as it is already January 6!  Anyway.  Whether you enjoy this blog or not makes no difference.  I will enjoy it enough for you :)