
Meet Nolan....

This is my other "cat", Nolan.  Technically, he is a cat.  However, for those that know and love Nolan, his personality is more in line with the perfect dog.  He is tolerant with kids, will greet you at the door when you arrive back home, and jump up from a sound sleep to follow you to bed at night.  This is also the cat that snuck silently into Lucy's room, curled up next to her in her crib, and helped her fall asleep last week when she had been having a rough time (this helped me as well!).  This picture was taken at lunch today.  Nolan followed us to the dining room and jumped up here to nap while we ate(this is not the dining room table :)), so he would be with his family.  Jude said this would make a great picture for my blog.  So here he is.  Even people who dislike cats cannot deny the perfectness that is Nolan.

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