
Self-inflicted failure.

There are many parts of life in general that I find come naturally to me.  Sadly, most of them are things that I have to do.  Like work.  Regardless of the job (occupationally speaking) at hand, I can pick it up, master it, and find it to be a completely mundane task in no time.  Then there are the things that I want to do, want to excel at or master, and I will most likely never rise above mediocre.  Why is this?  Take sewing for example.  Granted I am completely self taught.  But most of my projects don't come out exactly as I had envisioned.  I say envisioned because I don't know how to use a pattern.  Maybe if I took a class, things would go more to plan.  But that would require time.  Much like my photography.  If I could take an extended class that taught me how to actually compose photos and properly use features like shutter speed and white balance to get the best exposure things would likely be much easier.  I have had some instruction in this field but comprehension is still so far away.  Along with photography and sewing we can add crocheting, scrap booking, house keeping (laundry, cooking, cleaning), running even.  I long to be a stereotypical housewife from some time in the 1950's.  I am absolutely positive I look upon this era with rose colored glasses.  I am sure there were many, many, many unhappy and dissatisfied housewives in the 1950's.  But when I think about all of the time I would have to practice and master the skills I WANT to be good at, the activities a housewife ought to be good at (or at the very least more proficient in, ask Travis how often I cook, or how well I keep laundry up), it makes me long for days gone by.  Days I never lived, in a world that is no more.  Self-inflicted failure, taking on tasks that I want to be doing without the time to learn to do them.  I guess in the final analysis it's okay though - because one area I do consider myself a natural (I think partly because I know it can't be mastered) is parenting.  I am the best mom for my kids so I guess the rest is fine :)

Now, with any luck, we'll get a crap ton of ice in over the next 8 hours so I can work from home tomorrow!  Keep your fingers crossed!

**Blast me if you want for being sexist or whatever when it comes to things I "ought to" do.  Lucky for me, it's my opinion and my blog!


  1. I too seem to be a "June Cleaver" kind of person. Unfortunately, it is mostly in my mind!
    I have been made fun of because I tend to "fix" my husband a plate & deliver it at dinner time. NOT because I feel I should, but because he doesn't jump up & get it as fast as I'd like him to!

    POWER TO YA mama!!! Just keep doing what you're doing! It appears to be working for you! :)

  2. Probably the entry that I've enjoyed the most. Not that I agree with you and your "self-inflicted failures" but rather that I enjoy reading your writing. It seems to have come naturally to you to speak your mind through your writing yet you have overlooked it. Keep it up though. I look forward to it each day to see what you have taken a picture of and what you have to say about it no matter the side you are taking. Like you said, it is your blog and your opinion.
