
As I was saying.....

Technology and kids today....it's a dangerous thing.  Check out this pic of Lucy watching Diary of a Wimpy Kid on Travis' iPod after dinner....This amazing little thing was a lifesaver on the long plane ride out to Seattle over Thanksgiving.  Lucy seriously watched the entire movie and then fell asleep for the remainder of the flight (on the way there, the way home she was over flying and wanted the entire plane to know!).  I try not to let my kids watch "too much" tv, etc, etc, etc.  But I will admit that newfangled technology, television, and movies have literally saved my sanity on more than one occassion.  And, it is safe to say, they have taught my kids a thing or two.  So they can't be all bad, right?  On a completely unrelated topic, do you see my daughters gorgeous cornsilk hair with nice subtle reddish undertones?  I'm jealous.  I am.


  1. Best gift I received last year! Everyone loves it, including me, when I get a chance to use it.

  2. yeah a new blog to read! :) i can't wait to see more about your everyday life and you should teach us all how to use our cameras to their full potential! your kids are too cute!
