
Oh my poor, poor baby......

Lucy has ANOTHER ear infection.  The ped gave her ANOTHER antibiotic.  We have ANOTHER week of misery before she will (with any luck) be back to her normal self!  The sweet, laid back, loving little girl has disappeared for now though....I feel really bad for her, I do.  And I do what I can to make her feel better.  The thing is though, NOTHING makes her feel better.  I really wish she felt better!!  Since I am living with it, I took a picture of it.  I hope that by seeing her you will sympathize with her and send some good health vibes our way.  She could REALLY use it right about now.


  1. Awww poor baby! I know exactly what you are going through. Abby had 17 ear infections by the time she was 14 months old.

    The saving grace for us was numbing ear drops. Ask for them and if the pedi says no, beg!

    Sending get better soon vibes to Lucy and sending some mommy sanity vibes your way!

  2. Poor kid. I can't wait unil she sees the ENT. Hopefully some relief will come soon.
