

Today has been one of those ideal days.....I got to sleep in this morning.  When I finally pried my eyelids open and forced myself to look at my clock - it was 10:30.  While my first instinct was to keep sleeping, I got up.  I seriously probably could have slept all day.  But when I came downstairs Jude had me grab my camera so I could see the wonderful surprise they had made in the basement.  I was nervous, to say the least.  But what they made was pretty cool.  I don't know why on earth we have every last geotrack set known to man (not really, I enacted a permanent buying freeze on these - we have enough), but at least they play with them, right?  Even Lucy loves trains.  The abilities of these kids though to lay out such intricate little cities with train tracks (I don't have the patience) amazes me.  Check it out.

I also went to a Tastefully Simple party this afternoon.  I accidentally tried the Creamy Crab Cheese Ball Mix and OH MY GOSH is it good.  I bought some.  I hate trying new things though and had I known what I was about to put in my mouth on that oh so good beer bread I probably wouldn't have.  Guess it's good I wasn't paying attention.

I'm tired already.  Nine hours of waking time in one day is enough, right?  I'm not sure I'll get to sleep in tomorrow, so I should probably call it a night....probably not :)  I think Travis and I are watching a movie tonight after the kids are in bed.  Adam - maybe?  I'll let you all know how it was tomorrow.  Previews for it looked good though.

1 comment:

  1. They had fun building it but don't let them fool you. They can wait to post the pictures to Craigslist to sell it. Already planning of course to buy another toy. Glad you got a chance to sleep in. Oh, by the way, I will add crab to the grocery list.
