
Ice Day!!!

Schools were closed all over the U.S. today for the biggest ice storm since the Ice Age....only it didn't really seem all that bad from inside my house.  I worked from home today since school was cancelled.  It was FUN.  Aside from the work part.  Which really wasn't that bad either.  But Jude and Quinn ended up playing at Reagan and Claire's house this morning (Thanks Amanda!) and Lucy was a very enjoyable and pleasant munchkin to be around.  She said "please" and "thank you", asked for help if she needed something and even said "excuse me" every time she burped or tooted.  So please excuse the photo bomb...I know it's supposed to be a photo a day for a year, but is there anything wrong with more than one?  I think not.  She's too cute even when she won't let me fix the barrette in her somehow insane hair.

Happy ice day everyone!  Keep your fingers crossed that tomorrow will be even worse and schools will use another snow day :)

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