
The best part....

My favorite part of a nice, chocolaty, yummy pan of fresh baked brownies is the middle.  Yum.  I think they are always the best.  Some people like the edges better.  And don't get me wrong, I'll eat them, they ARE still brownies....but the middle is just the best.  Technically if you cut the "crust' off the whole way around you would have one big middle brownie.  Hmmmmm, how awesome is that?  Thanks Amanda, Claire, and Reagan for coming over tonight!  And thanks for bringing the brownies :)


  1. YES!!! Yummy gooey center brownie! I think that pan that makes all brownie edge pieces is silly!!
    Now I'm hungry!

  2. See we compliment each other. You like the middle better and I like the outside edges better. Those were very good egg-less brownies. Thanks Amanda for bringing them over. We will miss you when you move.

  3. Ben and I are the same, I like the inside and he likes the outside. It's a must when getting married!
