
Home with a sick Quinn.

I am home with a sick Quinn today :(  Poor kid.  He has whatever viral thing it was that Lucy had a week ago.  This started late Saturday night and has been going very off and on since then.  He is either running a fever of 101*+ or he has none.  Of course Quinn has to do things his own way :)  He looks miserable too as his eyes are all watery.  He is still unstoppable though.  He will lie down for as few minutes as possible to recharge and get going again.  He was also fine (as in lower than 98.6*) when he went to bed last night and crawled into bed with us at 4:15 this morning with a fever of 101.7*.  So I am home with a sick Quinn and a healthy Lucy today.  I am working part of the day and "off" the part where they are both awake and need me :)  Right now I am trying to procrastinate.  I don't really want to move the party upstairs to put laundry away just yet, but it's beckoning, I can hear it.  So, here are some pics of Quinn.  Don't let them fool you though, for as miserable as he looks he is still trying to make funny faces (not posted as he moves too fast for the camera :)).

1 comment:

  1. Come on without
    Come on within
    You'll not see nothing like the Might Quinn...
