
Lucy's lovey cont'd

So I KNEW that Lucy was given a mini version of her beloved dog by a great friend of mine and her son (Lucy's future husband? :)).  I hadn't seen it for a while.  But while Quinn, Lucy and I were reading in her room after bath tonight (Quinn and Lucy were reading, I was organizing drawers, other books, lotioning kids, etc), I made the executive decision to dig through Lucy's awesome Ikea collapsible hamper that houses thousands of neglected stuffed animals.  I had high hopes at one point that Lucy wouldn't like trains or hotwheels.  Fail.  Anyway, I found the mini dog.  Which Lucy immediately snatched out of my hand and started loving on.  With any luck THIS becomes her lovey :)  If not, then maybe the stuffed platypus I bought her for Valentine's day THIS year will become her lovey :)  MAYBE I should give up, move on, and stop buying stuffed animals.

The boys really enjoy their stuffed animals though.

So, without meaning to, this week has been about Valentine's day....so I will continue this theme up to and including 2/14 with pictures of things that are loved.  Stay tuned!

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