
Happy Valentine's Day!!!!

Okay, I know it's actually tomorrow, but I celebrated today because tomorrow two of my three kids have school and one has surgery :)  So tomorrow is kind of full already :)  Today was an awesome day.  The sun was shining, the snow was melting, the air was warm when the very cold breeze wasn't whipping through my neighborhood.  I painted my toes and wore flip flops all day :)  The kids got to ride their bikes outside.  Jude and I got in our first run together ever.  He did really well.  I made heart shaped chocolate chip pancakes for breakfast and the kids each got a new Webkinz and a tiny box of chocolate.  I didn't edit any of these photos (because I am just out of time with so much still to do today) but I still like them.  I think I prefer close up or weird angled shots so much better than portrait photography (if that's what it's called?! lol)....kind of sad since I wanted to learn to take better pics of my kids :)  Oh well!  I guess I could play with a more artsy style of shooting with the kids.....Anyway!  I hope you all have a great Valentine's Day tomorrow and Cupid shoots you in the butt with an arrow!!!


  1. Happy Valentine's Day. Thanks for making it such a special day for everyone. We love you!

  2. you're so good...never even mentioned the word Valentine's Day to Gus. figured what he doesn't know won't hurt him. aren't I awful!!!
