
Lucy dancing in the street...

Or at the dinner table, tonight.  Jude was doing some sort of Mexican hat dance (not really) in his chair at the table and Lucy started following along.  She had her follow-up today for her tubes.  The Doc said everything looks great and he likes to see his tube patients every three months (really?  Isn't that how often we were being seen for ear infections?  lol....I know, this is better, she is healthy, I am JUST KIDDING!).  So we go back the same week as her two year well visit :(  My last baby will be two years old in three short months.  I still remember the week I went overdue with her and called my doctor crying and they laughed at me....remember like it was yesterday.  I also remember meeting her for the first time and thinking her lips were too big for her to possibly be my child (seriously, they were SWOLLEN).  Alas, I will save some of this walk down memory lane for a post three months from now celebrating her birth.  Enjoy the pic, she is making the funniest face ever and she totally paused on each upswing of her arms and connected with the camera like "take the pic already mom". Enough rambling for one Thursday night.  Wait.  It's Thursday.  Tomorrow is Friday!  Woo hoo!!!


  1. Absolutely adorable picture! She provided great entertainment at dinner tonight.

  2. My favorite pic so far!!
