
What do you want?!

Travis had to work all day today...so it was a pretty laid back time in the Shreffler house....I'm talking pjs all day, donuts for breakfast, general mess-making, the whole nine yards.  I did work on laundry (we are now done, thanks to Travis' follow-up after work) and some sort of cleaning bug bit me around 4pm long enough to dust and vacuum.  But, in complete honesty, I haven't even showered :)

Jude was given our "old" digital camera this weekend and we were having a blast taking pics today.  So my picture for today was taken on Jude's camera (by me though).  I think Lucy is trying to use facial expressions and body language to get me to leave her alone.  Who knows.  I don't really listen though.  It was a great weekend full of sunshine and fairy tales.  I don't want to go back to work tomorrow.  But the bright side is, I only have a four day work week and then we're on vacation!!!


1 comment:

  1. Absolutely adorable. I love the entire picture. Her facial expressions, the background, and the way she's even standing there holding her milk like it's a football.
