
It was beautiful out today!

Today was a break from the misting and grey of Gatlinburg.  The sky was blue, it was about 60* (maybe warmer?) and the "smoke" all lifted from the mountains.  We began our day with Travis making pancakes, bacon and hashbrowns (yum) for breakfast.  Then we went on a drive through the mountains looking for bears.  I think we saw three squirrel.  Which is funny because I would've seen that pulling out of my driveway at home.  But the scenery was absolutely beautiful.  I don't think the kids fully appreciated this.  But someday, when they drag their kids on boring mountain drives looking for the mythical black bear, they'll see :)  After that we drove into Florida (not really) to go to a petting zoo and pony ride.  The petting zoo was rather awesome with zonkeys (zebra/donkey mix), a tame zebra, mini donkeys, tame deer, goats, mini horses, and more!  It was disgusting and fun at the same time :)  After we played with all the animals, the kids all got to ride ponies.  This is something Quinn really wanted to do.  And he LOVED it.  Jude and Lucy did as well!

Anyway, I am beat...so I'll save some pics and details for another time and place.  Enjoy my pics from today though!!!

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