
We made it to Tennessee....

We're here.  It's raining.  But as I said previously, rain on vacation is still vacation and I'll take it :)

Just something I thought was amusing enough to share here....on our way down today, while travelling through Kentucky, Lucy decided she needed to use the potty.  So we exited at the next exit and headed toward the closest option; an extremely busy Cracker Barrell (is there any other kind?).  Travis dumped me, Quinn, and Lucy at the door so I could run her inside.  Travis was going to wait at the curb for us to come back out so he and Jude could go in.  But when we came out of the ladies room, Jude and Travis were standing there.  It seems a few parking spots had opened.  Travis said when he was headed for the closest open spot a pickup truck sped around the corner cutting him off and giving him the finger on their way into the spot.  We wonder if this is simply because they're seriously rude or if it's because they're from Kentucky and we have Ohio plates....or if maybe those two reasons are one and the same :)

Anyway....after getting settled in this afternoon, we headed out for a quick dinner and to grab some groceries.  I am looking forward to heading down to the strip tomorrow (when the rain has hopefully stopped) to do some shopping :)  We'll also be checking into age guidelines for some local activities that the boys would like to do.  With any luck the morning will be clear and beautiful and I can set up my tripod on the back deck and take some pics.

Tonight's pic is of Jude and Lucy.  Lucy and Chloe were doing "Ring Around the Rosey" and Jude joined in.  I love how great of a kid he is....add to it the fact that he is really good with Quinn and Lucy as well and he's a keeper :)  I'm tired....But I'll be up until probably at least 10 :)

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