
Ahhhhh, Quinn...

We had baseball and t-ball at the same time tonight.  It was such a joy!  Both boys have shown improvement with just the few practices they've had so far.  Lucy has not.  She just doesn't get it.  She's the youngest.  Isn't she supposed to just go with it?  Fall in?  There are too many people in this family for her to think she's always going to get her way.  I can't wait until she's old enough to understand when I tell her that :)

Speaking of Lucy, she forced me to go for a run tonight.  When we got home from ball I gave her a bath and put her to bed.  Which she didn't stay in.  So I went for a run.  She is so much better when I am not here.  She behaves so much better.  When I am here she is a little mess of power play.  When I arrived home from my run she was asleep.  I am starting to take this personally.

Anyway, I have chores to do - catch you on the flip side!

1 comment:

  1. Great shot of Quinn in action. Did he hit the ball or the tee. Last time he was at bat he hit the tee so hard it tumbled at least four times on the way out to the pitcher. Imagine how far the ball would have gone if he had just hit it.
