
Lucy, Lucy, Lucy.....

It was another one of "those" bedtimes tonight.  Lucy fell asleep in front of her closed bedroom door after trying for a good bit to get us to let her stay up.  Needless to say I had to push her with the door to squeeze into the room and put her in bed.  She stayed asleep though.  She didn't get a nap today due to back to back baseball for the boys.  That went swimmingly.  From now on we will be getting a sitter for Lucy so Travis and I can both be supportive at the games.

Quinn did fantastic at his very first "ragball" practice today.  Ragball is, apparently, t-ball with a larger, softer, brighter colored ball.  Quinn is only four and they wouldn't let him play up.  But he's already quite the batter since he went with Jude and Travis to the batting cages over the winter.  He can really hit!  He's working on throwing, but he's a lefty.  Which means I can be of no help.  And in a world where he needs to learn how to be just as functional with his right hand, well, he can throw just as well with his right hand.  So, Travis will be working on it with him:)  He really seems to do so well though!  And Jude did much better with paying attention at today's practice....I guess the bounced ball to the neck he took yesterday really made him think :)

Anyway....I have had a pounding in my head since I climbed my tired bones out of bed this morning....And tomorrow is, regrettably, Monday yet again......so without further ado....Quinn.

1 comment:

  1. Great pics! Even if they weren't I'd still enjoy seeing them as I didn't get to see this part of practice. Glad he did so well and had fun.
