
I just want my ice cream....

All I want to do right now is sit down with my ice cream and watch an episode of Bones...Laundry is put away except for the 3 loads in process.  The kids are (presumably) all in bed.  Today was beautiful and tomorrow is supposed to be more of the same.  Tomorrow I finally will be taking Quinn to his kindergarten evaluation (waste of time and energy) and then both boys have ball tomorrow night.  I just want my ice cream :)  Is that too much to ask?!  I think not.

Here's Jude.  He checked a book out from the library.  I stupidly assumed it was really what the title implied.  It wasn't.  It was more along the lines of "break a dish while you're loading the dishwasher so you don't have to do it next time".  Good thing Jude is too smart to think we're stupid enough to fall for that.  Just to prove a point I had the boys pick up the rec room and their bedroom tonight - including changing their sheets (we don't have a schedule in this house)....Jude was not happy about this.  But it's done now and we enter tomorrow one step ahead :)  For once.  Lucy was sadly in not so rare form at bedtime insisting she had to potty or requesting Twinkle, Twinkle just one more time.  I took her potty.  I sang Twinkle.  Then I just kept putting her back in bed.  I don't hear her anymore so I assume she stayed that time.  But almost one and a half hours to get to bed at night is kind of ridiculous.  Come on.  I need my ice cream.

The boys also had some monkey faced, chocolate covered cake balls on sticks for snack tonight.  It took everything I had not to eat them last night :)  Aunt Deb made them for Jeff and Eva's baby shower last Saturday.  I am sad I couldn't be there - I want a monkey!  :) :) :)

1 comment:

  1. The look on Jude's face is like "what chocolate on my face?"
