
cell phone pic....

Since I haven't taken a real picture for a few days...tonight my pic was supposed to be a cell pic I took today....Only it won't be because I don't know how to get it
So just pretend like that big purple word is my pic :)

Some happenings around the house lately...I attempted a sewing project for the first time in a while the other night, aside from hemming pants, and it just didn't turn out.  

This pic is from the blog.  Mine would have been an upcycled maternity shirt that I was sentimental towards.  I neglected to follow like the second step in the tutorial properly and cut the whole neckline off (after starting in the front instead of the back, realizing what I had done, and thinking I had the skills to salvage the project). It didn't turn out at all reinforcing my total disdain for working with jersey material (my sewing machine likes to eat it) and prompting me to think it was a good idea to sell my stupid sewing machine.  I'm not really good at it anyway and I don't have the time in my life (and probably never will) to really commit to improvement.  After Travis and I talked in circles while I ranted, I was sad when he caved and agreed I should.  I mentally decided I'm not because even though I will never improve, I do enjoy sewing while I am sewing....so what if the finished project is crap.  Right??  RIGHT?!  I'm actually thinking that instead of attempting simnple projects that require me to follow tutorials without actually forcing me to gain any technical skills, I need to break out one of the real patterns I have and attempt that.  With real directions, real seam allowances, and real technical terms maybe I will improve, maybe.  

Another awesome thing to share, Travis brought home a can of chocolate whip cream for my mochas :)  Yum.  I am drinking one right now.  It happens to be some new fangled invention, whip cream with some alcohol.  So, I can't take it to work in the morning, or drink one really any other time besides a rainy Saturday night at home.  But it is GOOD.  Let me tell you.... :)  I may have some milk with whip cream next :)

The boys finally got their ball uniforms today and had their pictures done.  So Lucy missed yet another nap.  But today really wasn't as horrendous as Wednesday evening when they were both playing at the same time and Travis and I couldn't tag team Attila.  Quinn had fun playing at his game today too and I think 4yo t-ball has to be about the most fun sport to watch ever.  The kids are awesome.  They'll hit the ball and then try to field it themselves.  Or the runner will step off second base to try to field it.  And the kids playing the field don't even seem to notice the giant yellow ball hurtling in their direction.  It just makes it so much fun that it is not at all competitive - it's just for FUN.  And I am being serious, not sarcastic, when I say this!!

And lastly.  I am hoping to get out tomorrow and run a few miles...If I can manage to do this I will hit 300 miles :)  How many miles does a pair of shoes get?  Mine don't seem worn at all...but I have worn them mostly inside...so......  And we are only a few weeks away from the Warrior Dash!!!  I cannot wait for this!!  We get fuzzy viking helmets :)  

Anyway!!!  Have a great Saturday night everyone!!!!

1 comment:

  1. You could have also named the blog post "Ketchup." Thanks catching us up on everything going on. Always good to read.
