
Beautiful Saturday!

Today was fantastic!  The trampoline is up and functioning.  The slide has been moved and the rock wall installed....Jude had his first baseball practice today.  Which I guess went well :)  He needs to pay more attention....but I guess every kid does - right?  Right?!

I'm going to see Water for Elephants with the Twilight gang tomorrow afternoon :)  Robert Pattinson.....drool.....

Anyway, we're having a firepit tonight....so, later!!


Friday! You came back to me!!!

This was a long week.  I am glad the weekend is finally here!  Tomorrow is supposed to be beautiful.  The boys both start baseball practice this weekend.  It should be a fantastic weekend!!

Chloe came home with us today when I picked up the kids...so she is my blog pic of the day.  She tried really hard not to smile for me....but she was still fun to photograph!  Sorry for the photo bomb....:) :) :)


The sun will come out tomorrow.....

Hopefully...as of right now there is rain in the forecast for the a.m.  I am over it and the sun better be bright and sunny like by the time I get home.  Warmth would be nice as well.

Quick pics of the boys tonight, we're all really tired, they were watching Care Bears (they love it).

Happy Friday everyone!


Such a better day today....

Which is so odd to think, considering it is Wednesday, typically one of the four (or five) most despised days of the week.  My run this morning was awesome, since I got a full six hours of sleep last night.  And it was warm and sunny when we got home today so we took Dog (what I will from now on refer to Tyler as, because calling him Dog doesn't get on my nerves as much as calling him Tyler) for a walk.  He did rather well.  I was able to push Lucy's awesome stroller and hold Dog's leash all at the same time without once having to yell at Dog.  Addison (a friend next door) went with us.  This was fun.  The kids acted like I wasn't even there.  It was completely uncensored kid conversation and it was just fun.  When we got back, the kids and I played at said neighbors while Travis mowed the lawn and grilled dinner.  Lucy went to bed without so much as a peep (or Twinkle) tonight.  Good day.

So when Lucy went to bed I figured I would work on a sewing project for the kids.  I haven't made anything fun and crafty for a while and my sewing desk has been buried in God only knows what.  Sadly, it still is.  My oh so crafty sewing project was repairing the net for the trampoline enclosure.  Shockingly Travis put it in the shed at the end of last season instead of throwing it out (since it had a huge tear in it).  We had been searching high and low for a new net.  They aren't cheap though, and they aren't in stock.  So I turned to my bff, Google (I used to love Yahoo, but now I'm like "Who??").  Google found the perfect solution for me.  And instead of costing a minimum of $70, it cost me about $0.33 at another of my bff's, Joann's.  Actually it was about $6.00, but since I have enough leftover supplies to repair any future weak spots (preventative maintenance) or full blown tears for the next 15 years or so, we may as well call it free....right?

All of that being said, my pic tonight is to showcase my awesome talent at a running whip stitch.  Whatever the heck that is.  I actually did a cross stitch first and then the whip stitch.  I think the repaired tear may now be the strongest part of the enclosure.  And to think I used to bounce enclosure free as a child.  What were my parents thinking?!


Cranky Mom = Just Cranky Mom?

Have you ever heard the saying (I'm sure you have!) "If Mom isn't happy, no one is happy."?  I don't think this applies to my house.  Because I am cranky, which would generally equate displeasure, unhappiness, etc.  But aside from Lucy (who really is to "blame" for my current crankiness, if we're being honest here, and if you can really blame a not yet two year old :)), everyone else is happy.  Which I guess is good, because if we were ALL unhappy I would probably be a whole lot more cranky!  Which would just be a never ending, vicious cycle.  It's a conundrum.

So, Lucy slept in our bed last night, with me, while Travis slept on the floor - seriously.  This happened because she woke up right when we were going to bed at 10pm (an entire hour early, since I was to be getting up at 4am!).  She was awake IN OUR BED until 11:30 when I gave her an ultimatum.  I literally told Lucy to go to sleep or she was going back to her room.  She actually said "ok" and went to sleep.  And then when I was rudely woken up by my alarm at 4am and she was contentedly sawing logs next to me in bed (and probably for at least the next 1.5 hours), I was happy she was sleeping through my alarm.  At the very least so that she wouldn't be a cranky mess all day today.  I don't think that worked.

While she was extremely clingy (what else is new) when we all got home, she seemed to be in a relatively good mood.  Until bedtime.  When last nights pleas for flipping "Twinkle, Twinkle" started all over again.  I finally broke down and set up her pack and play so she could wear herself out in there and fall asleep.  I think she's asleep but I am afraid to check on her.  Afraid to open her door.  What's on the other side?  Is she sitting in the pack and play bleary eyed just waiting?  Will I hear that one dreaded word the minute I even dare to peak in?  "Twinkle!"

I shudder at the thought.

So, my pic tonight is, of course, of Lucy, after her bath in her robe with a top art.  That's Pop Tart if you aren't in the know.  She was happy, she stood still while I snapped pic after pic of her cute chunks of legs in Quinn's old robe with her wet hair all slicked back while inhaling her snack.  She even said "thank you" when I told her I was through.  Then she went off to watch Pingu.  Ah, the memories of a happier time :)

*Please ignore the dog that seems to be incapable of not licking his privates in the background of EVERY SINGLE PIC I TAKE!


Lucy is crying at her door....

How many times can a person sing "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star" before it becomes too many times?  The world may never know.  Because if you cave and sing it more than once you are in for the long haul.  And the long haul with Lucy is until you think she is asleep and then you go to stand up and the air in the room apparently shifts enough to wake her up and you have to start all over.  So I've capped my singing to one time.  One time through, a couple of "I love you Twinkle"'s and I high tail it out of the room hoping to have the door firmly closed prior to her requesting a second rendition.  I made it out on time tonight.  And all was quiet on the Western front.  until I checked on my sleeping angel an hour later only to discover she was not actually asleep and we had to start over....which didn't work.  So she's whining at her door.  I feel bad.

We had some sort of "Asian Sides" for dinner tonight.  It was teriyaki noodles with yummy beef.  We decided to use chopsticks to eat it.  This was fun.  And I am rather good with the chopsticks.  Especially since this was my first time.  The boys both eventually switched to forks.  But it was still fun.  My pic tonight is sort of gross, in my opinion, because I didn't think to take it until after I had finished eating.  Just ignore the small pile of veggies I pulled from my dinner.  I don't do veggies. :)


Dance Party with Daft Punk

Jude loves Daft Punk.  I do not know why.  The boys' taste in music is definitely closer in line with Travis' than my own.  But the kids had a dance party after their very short nap today before our Easter dinner.

And then here's Lucy in Easter dress #2.  Call it whatever.  I just like an excuse to buy her cute clothes :)  And we had matching braids today....awww.... :)

Now I must go to bed....oh so tired!  Happy Easter everyone!!!


We got a PONY!!!!!

Jude was off of school today and he had SO much fun at Nena and Poppy's with Quinn and Lucy!  When he came home Lucy wanted a horseback ride from him....check it out!!!

Quinn even joined in the fun!!!

Anyway, we have company over so that is all for this evening!!!  Happy Easter everyone!!!!  

By the way.  I would just like to say that I will be about three days late on my first project - reorganizing the kitchen cabinets.  As I said, we have company tonight.  Tomorrow night we are doing Easter dinner with Travis' family :)  And Sunday morning Travis has to work.......SO.  Sunday night I will post my perfectly organized cabinets.  Just want to say though - we HAVE started!!!!


The kids and their dog....

It's a good thing the sun was shining today and we got to play outside tonight.  Because the 10-day forecast is rain every day, for the next 10 days.  It was beautiful out this afternoon, even if the wind was a bit chilly.  We played outback tonight.  Which Tyler sure enjoyed.  He's technically Jude's dog.  But since Jude is 7 that's just what I say when the dog is on my ever loving last nerve.  Which happens at least once a day.  And I really don't even know why since he's better behaved than my children most of the time.  Maybe that is why.  We love the dog and all, I just want him not to move at all while I am in the room.  Licking and chewing on body parts irks me and dog nails (no matter how short) tapping on my floors drive me batty.  Just. Lay. Down.  Poor dog.  Anyway.  Here's the pics from the kids play time with Tyler today.  They are ALL worn out!  These are in no particular order because they were circling me while I was trying to take pics.

Oh yeah.  Tomorrow is FRIDAY!


Rain, rain, go away!

I took pics of all three kids tonight just because.  Lucy was fairly cooperative...she stuck her tongue out at me.  Jude pried his eyes away from the laptop long enough to flash me a fake smile.  And Quinn is just always Quinn. I love it :)

Today was definitely a Wednesday.  I'm glad it's almost over :)

One thing I feel I must mention about my project...Travis is currently working on my first assignment...Hmmm.  Anyone want to rent him out?  $25/hour and he's yours for general household chores and de-cluttering.  I cannot guarantee he will know what you want to keep though :)  If he does all of my project assignments then I won't have much to do, huh?  Nod, wink, Travis :)


Quick photo shoot today...

The kids are all in bed and Travis and I are settling in with our snacks and getting ready to watch Bones....So I'll make this quick.  I am trying to figure out how to get my focus to stay where I put it.  I think I'm getting the hang of it, but I really need to find my manual and read it.  I've been told it's useful.  I do believe it would tell me how to use my specific camera.  Guessing at how my camera does things (or for that matter, what it is actually even capable of) isn't the best course of action.

Anyway...I have been trying to come up with a theme of sorts...I was thinking tonight about all of these awesome Easter pics I've seen popping up of dying eggs or making other various Easter decorations.  I was thinking about all of the things I buy to do with my kids that we rarely ever do.  And I was thinking it would be nice if I didn't feel like they were taking over my house.  Like the egg dying kits.  Or finger paints, pipe cleaners, pom poms, playdough, fun silly band games, etc, etc, etc....It would be nice if I could get organized.  What better way to do this than put pressure on myself by announcing it to the public.  Starting today I will announce my next project to conquer.  Then I have 72 hours (business or otherwise) to complete said project.  If I feel said project is larger than can fit into 72 hours I will give that project a different deadline.  At the end of 72 hours I will post a pic of the completed project with my 365 pic.  Aren't you all SO excited?!  Woo hoo!  I know I am.  Here we go!  Project one - reorganize kitchen cabinets and label so that all items return to their proper home.  NO items will be allowed to be stored on the top of the cabinets OR the fridge.  Whew.  Ok.  Anyone up for helping??

Tomorrow is Wednesday!  Halfway through this crummy, dragging week and one day closer to the weekend!


You know, for a Monday....

It wasn't too bad, come 3pm anyway.  :)  Although I did manage to eat really healthy today and I did "race pace" on my 3 mile run today and got it down to 26:45...Oh yeah, watch me blur as I pass you by, right :)

Once I got Jude off the bus we were able to really enjoy the sunshine.  We came home and changed, he had snack, and we went outside to play with bubbles and sidewalk chalk.  Then Lucy and Quinn got home and joined us!  I voluntarily pulled the weeds from my side flower bed.  I would have preferred to leave them and consider them ground cover, but the were smothering whatever bulbs keep rearing their ugly heads despite the fact that I dig them up every year.  So this year I am leaving the bulbs and letting them own that bed.  I think they're daffodils(tulips?), but they haven't bloomed yet, so who knows, not me!  The kids eventually migrated to the backyard to play on the swing set with Travis....so I had to take a break from my weeding to pick up dog poop.  I live such a glamorous life :)  We even grilled out tonight.  I don't know how the kids are ever going to get to bed on time, all the time, if it keeps getting so warm and sunny out!

My pics for today are taken outside, because I planned ahead and brought my camera out.  Too bad I ony took a few pics though...the first is Quinn.  It looks like he is peeing, but I swear he's just trying to re-tie his swim trunks.  The second is Lucy on Travis' back.  This was an action shot caught as they walked by, so I couldn't really frame it up or anything.  And the third is Lucy stopping to smell the flowers (which I really think are tulips and these are NOT the same as the ones that keep annoyingly coming back on the other side of my house.).


Today was a VERY good day....

Even though Travis had to work all day, I did chores all day, Lucy managed to drop a ball of poop on the ground while racing to the potty, and you wouldn't have known by the end of the day, it was a very good day.  Even though I was up with all three kids before 7am and doing laundry by 8.  Even though I didn't shower until 2 pm.  Even though the kids ended up not really liking The Lion King (they did LOVE Fantasia and The Nightmare before Christmas though :)).  Even though I didn't get a nap.  Today was a very good day!  I got to spend it with three of the four people I love most in this world.

On top of that, I did get all of the laundry done and put away.  I swept, cleaned the litter boxes, and changed the hamster cage.  I made breakfast and lunch today (and they were both prepared foods....).  I played with the Disney monorail set we have, with the kids - because they all three love trains.  I got a ton of hugs and kisses from my kids.  I got to witness Jude read an entire Magic Tree House book in the hour that I rode my stationary this afternoon.  Today was a very good day!

I even got a hamburger (grilled) and fries (baked) for dinner - yum :)

Anyway.  As all of you know, I have been running, like a fool, running.  I am loving it and would actually probably consider myself a runner after my 8 mile run a week or so ago :)  BUT, back when I first started, I decided I wanted to do the Warrior Dash.  (www.warriordash.com)  I asked Travis if he would do it with me.  As a birthday gift of sorts.  He agreed.  With seven weeks to go, he started his training yesterday :)  I am so proud of him.  He is following a couch to 5k program.  Yesterday he did a half mile.  Today he did 1.5 miles.  Tomorrow he gets a rest day (or he can walk/run, which is what I'll be pushing for :)).  Travis and I have also been counting calories to shed some excess weight.  I am please to announce that I have lost almost 7lbs and now fit into a pair of khakis that I haven't worn for at least 3 years (woohoo!).  I am proud of our lifestyle change though and really like the fact that it is something good we are doing for ourselves as well as our family, as difficult at times as it may be (since I am a lover of all things junk food).  With proper planning I will never have to feel deprived of my junk (in moderation and few and far between :)).

Without further ado, tomorrow is Monday - blah.


First Easter egg hunt of the season.....

Ugh, my color is just off today....I should've just turned my camera to auto since I was taking pics in so many different settings at the Easter egg hunt....but I didn't even think about it (in all honesty).  AND to top it off.  I had my camera set to jpeg only - so NO RAW!  I had to edit in an actual program.  The thing is, I am trying to learn how to take pics that don't need edited.  I'm not trying to learn how to edit.  Maybe I should do both!

Anyway.  We went to an Easter egg hunt at Travis' work today.  This has been only semi successful with our kids in the past.  Jude has never really been too competitive, Quinn for some reason gets shy in situations where there are a ton of people, and this is the first year Lucy is actually old enough to participate.  Lucy and Quinn both "played up" for their ages :)  But they all kicked some butt :)  Is that wrong to say about an Easter egg hunt??  Lucy and Jude both "won" by finding the most eggs for their age groups and gender.  And then we had something like 15 "special" eggs that they were allowed to trade in at the prize table.  Awesome.  They had fun and now we have candy and some fun new toys :)  Win/Win!  I think the most important thing taken from today though is that my kids are all growing and developing - Quinn got out there without being afraid of all the strangers and Jude showed a little competitive edge.  And Lucy, well...she just looked so darn cute in her Easter dress.  She called herself a princess and can even curtsy.  It was a fun time!  Enjoy the pics even though I think they are super craptastic (technically speaking)!  I do love how adorable my kids look in them though - as always!  By the way, I seem to have a tendency to tilt in the same direction...I will work on this!


Bedtime snack....

Somehow my pic for the day managed to fit into my calorie allowance....though the sodium will probably do me in.  I really need them this evening.  I don't really consider myself to be an emotional eater, but I also don't think I am ever totally honest with myself (??).....So who knows....

Anyway, I am getting better at knowing how to adjust my camera settings for proper exposure (at least what I consider to be proper exposure) so there's that.  Of course, I don't actually do it before taking a pic.  I take a pic and then adjust from there.  But the fact that I know what needs adjusted and which way to adjust it is I guess good :)

Today was probably the last nice day of weather we'll have for a while.  I hear Sunday is supposed to be rain free.  But I don't fully trust the weathermen.  Yesterday, they said it was supposed to rain on Sunday.  Come Sunday we'll probably have snow.  Tonight we played outside some more.  My kids are just fun, and funny, and honest, whole hearted little people so full of innocence I love to be around them.  Even when they don't really care if they are around me.  I think that I need to learn to not take their answers to my simple question of "what'd you do at school today?" so personal.  Half the time they respond "I don't remember." and the other half it's "Hold my bookbag!" as they take off running home from the bus stop.  I always feel like a. they don't care enough to share with me (even though I know rationally they are not not sharing to be hurtful) and b. that I am always the only parent constantly out of the loop.  I learn things from other parents when I actually have the rare occasion to meet and speak with them.  Jude did ask me this week though if we could get him a diary.  He's big into Diary of a Wimpy Kid.  Maybe we'll do that and at least then I can sneak peeks and know what's going on in his life :)

Another note on the pic for today.  These are sour cream and onion.  Don't be jealous.  You too can eat your weight in potato chips.  And Jude and Quinn HATE our dishes.  They are blue and yellow...just like that team to the north :)


So. tired. must. sleep.

And yet here I am...This is my issue.  No matter how tired I am at the end of the day I want to sit down and relax.  I don't want to go straight from getting out of bed at 5am and doing something all day to just stopping and getting back in bed.  So...while I tried to go to bed early last night, which is why no blog, it didn't work out so well.  Or, I guess it did, in that it's a good thing I went to bed early because Lucy had a horrible night last night, on me, in our bed.  So Travis and I both had a horrible night too.  I put her to bed early tonight, since her day today wasn't much better than last night...but she was resistant and didn't fall asleep much earlier than normal.

Anyway.  While Travis was at work this past Sunday I was working in the yard.  I was working hard in the yard pulling out any dead, matted areas of grass so we could over seed (or something like that)....it took 3 hours and a sunburn (which may or may not peel on my back, it hasn't decided just yet).  So tonight, after days of rain, Travis mowed and we spent 2 more hours seeding the whole lawn and then laying some green seed filled fluff in the patches I had just made bare.  Thing is, I made probably 33% of the yard bare.   Good times....The real good news is, after tomorrow it is supposed to rain six out of seven days of every week for the next couple of weeks.  This will not only keep us from being able to mow (which we can't do until we have decent sprouts) but it will hopefully get the grass to grow.

Tomorrow is Thursday and that means the week is almost over, thankfully.......

My front "side" yard....the smaller half of the front yard....


Sunshine and rain.

At least it was beautiful out yesterday.  I think it was nice enough yesterday to hold the sunshine in my mind and my nice crisp shoulders and back to get me through until the next sunny day.  

Today was a great day, in retrospect.  My brother emailed with their itinerary for returning to the states and visiting us in Ohio.  Lucy made it an entire day without any accidents.  Which is only like the third day out of the last seven.  Can you say regression?  With any luck she's back on track :)  She is doing great though.  Quinn had a bug lady come in to school to teach them all sorts of wonderful things about disgusting bugs.  So hopefully he is now comfortable enough that the next time I need a spider killed he can handle it.  And Jude made up an awesome new game called "Battle".  This game is simple.  Build a fort.  Pull every last toy in the rec room out and wing them across the room at each other.  What's that you say?  No throwing in the house?  Well, a little adult participation always changes the rules :)  I did say no throwing matchbox cars, thanks to a kid that whacked me in the head with one once.  I guess we'll find out along the way what other toys need banned :)  

Tomorrow is a new day.  The widget on my awesome phone says it's a high of 52* and rainy.  That widget better hope it's wrong or it may get deleted.  Probably not though :)

To make up for missing a few days and having a couple days of "filler", I am posting three pics tonight.  The first is of Lucy.  She has been drinking out of a big kid cup at dinner (the past couple of nights) and loves it.  So when I told her said cup was not allowed in the family room and put it on the kitchen counter, all heck broke loose.  This is a pic of her trying to scale the counter to get her cup.  When there was a perfectly good sippy on the dining room table.  For what it's worth, the boys aren't allowed to have open drinks in the family room either.  She's a big kid trapped in a toddler's mind.  She just doesn't understand yet.  But she was mad.

Second pic is of Lucy after she'd calmed down, and after her bath and bedtime snack.  I hadn't yet brushed her hair, it isn't actually curly....She's funny....

Third pic is of Jude and Lucy being cute together.  I love how much my children love eachother.  I love it.  It warms my heart.  They seriously just unconditionally love eachother.

And lastly.  I was forwarded an email this evening.  It was a great story.  But I like the quote at the end so I am going to share it here!!!  Have a great Tuesday everyone!!!

Live simply.  Love seriously.  Care deeply.  Speak kindly.  Leave the rest to God.



Today was such a beautiful day!  I managed to get really sunburned and I worked a ton on the yard while Lucy was napping this afternoon.  The boys played outside pretty much all day as well.  Lucy joined us after her nap. So one would think that I could've taken an absolutely perfect picture at any point in time today.  However, while I took a ton of pictures, they were all on my cell phone.  So I took a picture of my garden gnome this evening.  I don't really know what purpose a gnome is supposed to serve, but if they're there to make our garden pretty, mine is not doing his job.  Tomorrow is Monday, but at least it's supposed to rain.  So it's better weather for a weekday anyway.

So, sorry the weekend is over!  But tomorrow is back to the grind.......


First fire pit of the season....

ok, so today didn't warm up as much as our always accurate weather men had originally predicted.  But tonight we had a fire pit party with the neighbors.  I wound up in my Uggs before long (I went out in my flip flops, always the optimist), but it was a good time...good marshmellows :)

In other news, I made two "records" in my running today.  I broke 200 miles (logged, since January 5th) and I ran 8.2 miles, straight, this morning.  It was surprisingly easier than I had anticipated.  And more enjoyable than I thought it would be :)  I'm pretty impressed with myself.

So, since it's almost midnight and I have to have this blog time stamped for today, I'll wrap it up.  Night everyone!


Warning - extreme close-up.

Quinn doesn't have the same doe-eyed look as Jude and Lucy....so I had to get pretty close in to capture his eye color.  But he has gorgeous eyes as well....Not to mention the crazy hair.  I love the hair.  The color, the texture, the volume....awesome.

I'm tired though, so that's about all for tonight.  Tomorrow is jam packed pretty much from start to finish.  Even more tired now just thinking about tomorrow.  Have a great weekend everyone!!!


It's all about the bow.

I am so very thankful that tomorrow is Friday and there is an end to this week in sight.  It is seriously difficult to return from vacation.  Reality is one of the hardest places to live.  So I try to only visit here.  I prefer to live in the weekends (or vacations).  Where reality cannot interfere with the perfect bliss that is my life.

This weekend is going to be an extremely busy one, too.  Tomorrow night I get to take my niece shopping for her birthday.  She is the epitome of girl.  I am so excited for this.  We will head to Target, get a frappuccino and mocha, and start looking for an outfit, shoes, and accessories.  This will be a peek at what it will be like to take Lucy shopping in the years to come.  I can (and do) take her now.  And don't get me wrong, she loves to pick out clothes and shoes.  But, aside from the fact that we are pretty well set in the clothes department, she doesn't really have that sense of style yet, she just likes to pull things into the cart.  She is pretty shoe savvy though.  Proud mama here :)  Anyway!  We are also getting together with some friends tomorrow night, long night!  Hope I get to sleep in until at least 8 Saturday :)  Saturday though, I have to shave and lotion my pasty pale legs and put on a swim suit.  The boys and I will be going to Coco Keys Water Resort for Betty and Jimmy's birthdays!  And then Travis has to work Sunday (:( ) so I will probably spend the day trying to get the laundry and house back in order to return to reality.....boo!

One last thing.I would like to say before the pic, what on earth is going on with my blog??  There are all sorts of days missing over the past few weeks?!  Where did my motivation go?  I ordered it.  I thought it arrived.  But I apparently misplaced it already.  I won't say sorry, because, well...it would be like apologizing to myself.  But I will work on getting a pic everyday for at least the next three days.  That is about as far out as I can guarantee :)

Pic today - Lucy, imagine that!  But a friend of mine (thanks Nikki!) makes super cute hair clippies.  And she brought Lucy a new flower clip today.  So I had to try to get a pic of it!  Only one issue.  Lucy kept trying to look at the camera while I took the pics!  So, you sort of get an idea how cute the clip is, but you also get to see that Lucy's eyes are just as nice as Jude's...I am doubly jealous of my children now!  And I would be willing to bet, if I could get Quinn to open his eyes and hold still his would be the same beautiful brown.  Funny thing is, growing up, I always felt so average.  Average height, weight, hair color, eye color....on and on and on.  My kids don't have my eye color, they're brown, but not mine.  I can now say though, there is absolutely nothing average about their gorgeous eyes.  So here's Lucy...beautiful!


Today is Jude.....

That is all.  I wish I had his eyes.  He is just so purely handsome.  Or pretty.  He is just attractive.  No doubt about it.  He needs to be in movies.  I'm telling you!

Today wasn't too bad.  At least it wasn't raining.  Tomorrow is looking better though.  Sunshine and warmer weather is on the agenda.  Plus it'll be Wednesday.  And you know what that means!  One day closer to the weekend :)


Monday is my nemesis....

Thinking this always reminds me of the song from Phineas and Ferb.  Today really wasn't too bad as far as Mondays go.  Except for that whole pesky work thing.  That and the rain.  I want warmth and sunshine sometime soon.  I need it.  Or I may have to start tanning to feel warm again.  

We had dinner backwards tonight.  Chocolate cake for dinner then pizza for dessert.  It's fun for the kids and I love chocolate cake and pizza regardless of the order I eat them.  After dinner we watched the rest of Camp Rock 2 (we had watched the first 15 minutes before the boys went to bed the other night).  In actuality, I watched the rest of it.  Travis pretended to be awake with his eyes closed, Jude read his new book, Lucy and Quinn were like insane screaming banshee's feeding off of one another getting louder and more crazy as the evening wore on.  Ok, maybe this is a slight over exxageration, but they didn't watch the movie.

I would like to share one more little thing for the day and then we'll get to my pic.  I did all of the laundry yesterday.  And as of right now I am still caught up on laundry.  Yes, I have made it 24 hours without my laundry getting behind.  Woo hoo!!!

So, my pic tonight is of Quinn.  He's cute.  Love him.  Pinch his cheeks.  He'll think it's funny :)


We adopted a puppy!

The cutest little sheep dog :)  KIDDING!

Today was definitely a Sunday.  Travis had to work all weekend which really sort of sucked.  And while I tried my hardest to just slack today, for some reason I did all of the laundry.  Even changed all the bedding in the house.  Boo.  But I did get to play with the kids all day as well (except for when they were napping).  Unfortunately though, I only took a few pics....of Lucy.  I feel like she is favored in this blog.  Perhaps because I need to cut the cord.  But she's really not ready.  Or I'm not.  Either way.  As annoying as it is at times to have her constantly attached to me when I am home, I know it won't last anywhere near long enough, so I accept it.  And perhaps it's because the boys like to play without Lucy constantly interfering in their "big kid" games, so I distract a lot of the time.  Whatever the reason, I am aware and try to keep this from happening.

So, after discussing photography with Justin last night.  I used my flash today.  Set at (I believe) 1/16th of it's full flash and I used active d-lighting.  I don't know what active d is but I feel like it made the pics look better....so here's my dog!!  I do normally pin her "bangs' back but hadn't yet.  And she was watching her beloved Barney and didn't seem to care anyway :)