
Today was a VERY good day....

Even though Travis had to work all day, I did chores all day, Lucy managed to drop a ball of poop on the ground while racing to the potty, and you wouldn't have known by the end of the day, it was a very good day.  Even though I was up with all three kids before 7am and doing laundry by 8.  Even though I didn't shower until 2 pm.  Even though the kids ended up not really liking The Lion King (they did LOVE Fantasia and The Nightmare before Christmas though :)).  Even though I didn't get a nap.  Today was a very good day!  I got to spend it with three of the four people I love most in this world.

On top of that, I did get all of the laundry done and put away.  I swept, cleaned the litter boxes, and changed the hamster cage.  I made breakfast and lunch today (and they were both prepared foods....).  I played with the Disney monorail set we have, with the kids - because they all three love trains.  I got a ton of hugs and kisses from my kids.  I got to witness Jude read an entire Magic Tree House book in the hour that I rode my stationary this afternoon.  Today was a very good day!

I even got a hamburger (grilled) and fries (baked) for dinner - yum :)

Anyway.  As all of you know, I have been running, like a fool, running.  I am loving it and would actually probably consider myself a runner after my 8 mile run a week or so ago :)  BUT, back when I first started, I decided I wanted to do the Warrior Dash.  (www.warriordash.com)  I asked Travis if he would do it with me.  As a birthday gift of sorts.  He agreed.  With seven weeks to go, he started his training yesterday :)  I am so proud of him.  He is following a couch to 5k program.  Yesterday he did a half mile.  Today he did 1.5 miles.  Tomorrow he gets a rest day (or he can walk/run, which is what I'll be pushing for :)).  Travis and I have also been counting calories to shed some excess weight.  I am please to announce that I have lost almost 7lbs and now fit into a pair of khakis that I haven't worn for at least 3 years (woohoo!).  I am proud of our lifestyle change though and really like the fact that it is something good we are doing for ourselves as well as our family, as difficult at times as it may be (since I am a lover of all things junk food).  With proper planning I will never have to feel deprived of my junk (in moderation and few and far between :)).

Without further ado, tomorrow is Monday - blah.

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad today was a Very good day. Sounds like you were also Very busy.
