
Cranky Mom = Just Cranky Mom?

Have you ever heard the saying (I'm sure you have!) "If Mom isn't happy, no one is happy."?  I don't think this applies to my house.  Because I am cranky, which would generally equate displeasure, unhappiness, etc.  But aside from Lucy (who really is to "blame" for my current crankiness, if we're being honest here, and if you can really blame a not yet two year old :)), everyone else is happy.  Which I guess is good, because if we were ALL unhappy I would probably be a whole lot more cranky!  Which would just be a never ending, vicious cycle.  It's a conundrum.

So, Lucy slept in our bed last night, with me, while Travis slept on the floor - seriously.  This happened because she woke up right when we were going to bed at 10pm (an entire hour early, since I was to be getting up at 4am!).  She was awake IN OUR BED until 11:30 when I gave her an ultimatum.  I literally told Lucy to go to sleep or she was going back to her room.  She actually said "ok" and went to sleep.  And then when I was rudely woken up by my alarm at 4am and she was contentedly sawing logs next to me in bed (and probably for at least the next 1.5 hours), I was happy she was sleeping through my alarm.  At the very least so that she wouldn't be a cranky mess all day today.  I don't think that worked.

While she was extremely clingy (what else is new) when we all got home, she seemed to be in a relatively good mood.  Until bedtime.  When last nights pleas for flipping "Twinkle, Twinkle" started all over again.  I finally broke down and set up her pack and play so she could wear herself out in there and fall asleep.  I think she's asleep but I am afraid to check on her.  Afraid to open her door.  What's on the other side?  Is she sitting in the pack and play bleary eyed just waiting?  Will I hear that one dreaded word the minute I even dare to peak in?  "Twinkle!"

I shudder at the thought.

So, my pic tonight is, of course, of Lucy, after her bath in her robe with a top art.  That's Pop Tart if you aren't in the know.  She was happy, she stood still while I snapped pic after pic of her cute chunks of legs in Quinn's old robe with her wet hair all slicked back while inhaling her snack.  She even said "thank you" when I told her I was through.  Then she went off to watch Pingu.  Ah, the memories of a happier time :)

*Please ignore the dog that seems to be incapable of not licking his privates in the background of EVERY SINGLE PIC I TAKE!

1 comment:

  1. Very cute picture. Sorry that you had to endure all of that. Tomorrow is a new day and hopefully a much better one. Love you!
