
It's all about the bow.

I am so very thankful that tomorrow is Friday and there is an end to this week in sight.  It is seriously difficult to return from vacation.  Reality is one of the hardest places to live.  So I try to only visit here.  I prefer to live in the weekends (or vacations).  Where reality cannot interfere with the perfect bliss that is my life.

This weekend is going to be an extremely busy one, too.  Tomorrow night I get to take my niece shopping for her birthday.  She is the epitome of girl.  I am so excited for this.  We will head to Target, get a frappuccino and mocha, and start looking for an outfit, shoes, and accessories.  This will be a peek at what it will be like to take Lucy shopping in the years to come.  I can (and do) take her now.  And don't get me wrong, she loves to pick out clothes and shoes.  But, aside from the fact that we are pretty well set in the clothes department, she doesn't really have that sense of style yet, she just likes to pull things into the cart.  She is pretty shoe savvy though.  Proud mama here :)  Anyway!  We are also getting together with some friends tomorrow night, long night!  Hope I get to sleep in until at least 8 Saturday :)  Saturday though, I have to shave and lotion my pasty pale legs and put on a swim suit.  The boys and I will be going to Coco Keys Water Resort for Betty and Jimmy's birthdays!  And then Travis has to work Sunday (:( ) so I will probably spend the day trying to get the laundry and house back in order to return to reality.....boo!

One last thing.I would like to say before the pic, what on earth is going on with my blog??  There are all sorts of days missing over the past few weeks?!  Where did my motivation go?  I ordered it.  I thought it arrived.  But I apparently misplaced it already.  I won't say sorry, because, well...it would be like apologizing to myself.  But I will work on getting a pic everyday for at least the next three days.  That is about as far out as I can guarantee :)

Pic today - Lucy, imagine that!  But a friend of mine (thanks Nikki!) makes super cute hair clippies.  And she brought Lucy a new flower clip today.  So I had to try to get a pic of it!  Only one issue.  Lucy kept trying to look at the camera while I took the pics!  So, you sort of get an idea how cute the clip is, but you also get to see that Lucy's eyes are just as nice as Jude's...I am doubly jealous of my children now!  And I would be willing to bet, if I could get Quinn to open his eyes and hold still his would be the same beautiful brown.  Funny thing is, growing up, I always felt so average.  Average height, weight, hair color, eye color....on and on and on.  My kids don't have my eye color, they're brown, but not mine.  I can now say though, there is absolutely nothing average about their gorgeous eyes.  So here's Lucy...beautiful!

1 comment:

  1. Her eyes are beautiful as well but I like her smile best in the first picture.
