
Such a better day today....

Which is so odd to think, considering it is Wednesday, typically one of the four (or five) most despised days of the week.  My run this morning was awesome, since I got a full six hours of sleep last night.  And it was warm and sunny when we got home today so we took Dog (what I will from now on refer to Tyler as, because calling him Dog doesn't get on my nerves as much as calling him Tyler) for a walk.  He did rather well.  I was able to push Lucy's awesome stroller and hold Dog's leash all at the same time without once having to yell at Dog.  Addison (a friend next door) went with us.  This was fun.  The kids acted like I wasn't even there.  It was completely uncensored kid conversation and it was just fun.  When we got back, the kids and I played at said neighbors while Travis mowed the lawn and grilled dinner.  Lucy went to bed without so much as a peep (or Twinkle) tonight.  Good day.

So when Lucy went to bed I figured I would work on a sewing project for the kids.  I haven't made anything fun and crafty for a while and my sewing desk has been buried in God only knows what.  Sadly, it still is.  My oh so crafty sewing project was repairing the net for the trampoline enclosure.  Shockingly Travis put it in the shed at the end of last season instead of throwing it out (since it had a huge tear in it).  We had been searching high and low for a new net.  They aren't cheap though, and they aren't in stock.  So I turned to my bff, Google (I used to love Yahoo, but now I'm like "Who??").  Google found the perfect solution for me.  And instead of costing a minimum of $70, it cost me about $0.33 at another of my bff's, Joann's.  Actually it was about $6.00, but since I have enough leftover supplies to repair any future weak spots (preventative maintenance) or full blown tears for the next 15 years or so, we may as well call it free....right?

All of that being said, my pic tonight is to showcase my awesome talent at a running whip stitch.  Whatever the heck that is.  I actually did a cross stitch first and then the whip stitch.  I think the repaired tear may now be the strongest part of the enclosure.  And to think I used to bounce enclosure free as a child.  What were my parents thinking?!

1 comment:

  1. Great job! You can hardly see where the tear was. Someone else may not even see it in the pic if they don't know where it's at.
