
Sunshine and rain.

At least it was beautiful out yesterday.  I think it was nice enough yesterday to hold the sunshine in my mind and my nice crisp shoulders and back to get me through until the next sunny day.  

Today was a great day, in retrospect.  My brother emailed with their itinerary for returning to the states and visiting us in Ohio.  Lucy made it an entire day without any accidents.  Which is only like the third day out of the last seven.  Can you say regression?  With any luck she's back on track :)  She is doing great though.  Quinn had a bug lady come in to school to teach them all sorts of wonderful things about disgusting bugs.  So hopefully he is now comfortable enough that the next time I need a spider killed he can handle it.  And Jude made up an awesome new game called "Battle".  This game is simple.  Build a fort.  Pull every last toy in the rec room out and wing them across the room at each other.  What's that you say?  No throwing in the house?  Well, a little adult participation always changes the rules :)  I did say no throwing matchbox cars, thanks to a kid that whacked me in the head with one once.  I guess we'll find out along the way what other toys need banned :)  

Tomorrow is a new day.  The widget on my awesome phone says it's a high of 52* and rainy.  That widget better hope it's wrong or it may get deleted.  Probably not though :)

To make up for missing a few days and having a couple days of "filler", I am posting three pics tonight.  The first is of Lucy.  She has been drinking out of a big kid cup at dinner (the past couple of nights) and loves it.  So when I told her said cup was not allowed in the family room and put it on the kitchen counter, all heck broke loose.  This is a pic of her trying to scale the counter to get her cup.  When there was a perfectly good sippy on the dining room table.  For what it's worth, the boys aren't allowed to have open drinks in the family room either.  She's a big kid trapped in a toddler's mind.  She just doesn't understand yet.  But she was mad.

Second pic is of Lucy after she'd calmed down, and after her bath and bedtime snack.  I hadn't yet brushed her hair, it isn't actually curly....She's funny....

Third pic is of Jude and Lucy being cute together.  I love how much my children love eachother.  I love it.  It warms my heart.  They seriously just unconditionally love eachother.

And lastly.  I was forwarded an email this evening.  It was a great story.  But I like the quote at the end so I am going to share it here!!!  Have a great Tuesday everyone!!!

Live simply.  Love seriously.  Care deeply.  Speak kindly.  Leave the rest to God.

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