
Lucy is crying at her door....

How many times can a person sing "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star" before it becomes too many times?  The world may never know.  Because if you cave and sing it more than once you are in for the long haul.  And the long haul with Lucy is until you think she is asleep and then you go to stand up and the air in the room apparently shifts enough to wake her up and you have to start all over.  So I've capped my singing to one time.  One time through, a couple of "I love you Twinkle"'s and I high tail it out of the room hoping to have the door firmly closed prior to her requesting a second rendition.  I made it out on time tonight.  And all was quiet on the Western front.  until I checked on my sleeping angel an hour later only to discover she was not actually asleep and we had to start over....which didn't work.  So she's whining at her door.  I feel bad.

We had some sort of "Asian Sides" for dinner tonight.  It was teriyaki noodles with yummy beef.  We decided to use chopsticks to eat it.  This was fun.  And I am rather good with the chopsticks.  Especially since this was my first time.  The boys both eventually switched to forks.  But it was still fun.  My pic tonight is sort of gross, in my opinion, because I didn't think to take it until after I had finished eating.  Just ignore the small pile of veggies I pulled from my dinner.  I don't do veggies. :)

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