
Quick photo shoot today...

The kids are all in bed and Travis and I are settling in with our snacks and getting ready to watch Bones....So I'll make this quick.  I am trying to figure out how to get my focus to stay where I put it.  I think I'm getting the hang of it, but I really need to find my manual and read it.  I've been told it's useful.  I do believe it would tell me how to use my specific camera.  Guessing at how my camera does things (or for that matter, what it is actually even capable of) isn't the best course of action.

Anyway...I have been trying to come up with a theme of sorts...I was thinking tonight about all of these awesome Easter pics I've seen popping up of dying eggs or making other various Easter decorations.  I was thinking about all of the things I buy to do with my kids that we rarely ever do.  And I was thinking it would be nice if I didn't feel like they were taking over my house.  Like the egg dying kits.  Or finger paints, pipe cleaners, pom poms, playdough, fun silly band games, etc, etc, etc....It would be nice if I could get organized.  What better way to do this than put pressure on myself by announcing it to the public.  Starting today I will announce my next project to conquer.  Then I have 72 hours (business or otherwise) to complete said project.  If I feel said project is larger than can fit into 72 hours I will give that project a different deadline.  At the end of 72 hours I will post a pic of the completed project with my 365 pic.  Aren't you all SO excited?!  Woo hoo!  I know I am.  Here we go!  Project one - reorganize kitchen cabinets and label so that all items return to their proper home.  NO items will be allowed to be stored on the top of the cabinets OR the fridge.  Whew.  Ok.  Anyone up for helping??

Tomorrow is Wednesday!  Halfway through this crummy, dragging week and one day closer to the weekend!

1 comment:

  1. I know where the label maker is. Want some help? I can help after I run tomorrow.
